Faculty of Agriculture (FoA), the oldest faculty of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-J) came into existence with the establishment of University in 1999 with the mandate of teaching, research and extension. The faculty imparts quality education, generates innovative research par excellence and at the same time reaches to the farming community through a network of eight divisions of Agronomy, Agricultural Extension Education, Agricultural Economics & Agri. Business Management, Entomology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Pathology and Sericulture besides, Seed Science & Technology Unit and Centre for Organic & Natural Farming Research.
The prime mandate of the faculty has been to achieve its targeted objectives in mission mode through a team of 80 highly competent and well qualified faculty members alongwith 126 supporting staff and State of the Art infrastructure. The FoA offers Undergraduate Programme in B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture alongwith M.Sc. in 11 disciplines (Agronomy, Agricultural Extension Education, Agricultural Economics, MBA in Agri. Business Management, Entomology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Plant Pathology, Soil Science & Agriculture Chemistry, Sericulture, Seed Science & Technology, Organic & Natural Farming. Doctorate is offered in 09 disciplines (Agronomy, Agricultural Extension Education, Agricultural Economics, MBA in Agri. Business Management, Entomology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Plant Pathology, Soil Science & Agriculture Chemistry and Sericulture). Faculty also offers one year diploma course in Agriculture besides various trainings to the farmers and field functionaries. Moreover, the faculty is pioneer in establishing the research-extension linkage through its village visit program.
The faculty fosters communities of expertise among researchers, faculty and students in cooperation with other faculties, research and extension sub-systems of the University so that the students are capable to compete in public and private sectors in future. It has contributed to the development of innovations in varietal development, crop production, crop protection and socio-economics of farmers and farming community through research projects, post graduate and doctoral students research. Academically, the faculty offers hands on teaching to undergraduates and research based teaching to postgraduate students. It imparts practical training in Natural farming, Mushroom Cultivation and Spawn Production, Beekeeping and Plant clinics to encourage undergraduate students to become agri-preneurs. The faculty has been at the fore-front in contributing to higher agricultural education and development at UT and National level.

Dr. Anil Kumar
Dean, Faculty of Agriculture
Main campus, Chatha
Contact No. :- 0191-2262845
E-mail :- deanfoa@skuastj.org, deanfoa.skuastjammu@gmail.com