- To provide a secure enterprise wise and reliable delivery of IT services
- To ensure high quality IT services to administrative, academic, research & extension activities of the university.
- To manage web services for internal & external usage in order to strength academic & research-environment.
• Access of high internet connectivity (support to more than 500 internet connections (I/O’s) through LAN, WAN• Managing & supporting optical fibre layout with all type of internet switches & accessories.
• Secure data networks—ensures the confidentiality, integrity.
• Biometric attendance system and its management.
• Management of NeGPA Lab and Central computer lab at FOA, Chatha for training & teaching purpose
• Facilitate to University library for access to CERA & other service through NKN.
• Support for organising Video/Web conferencing and live lectures.
• Management of website & its online services.
• Email facility for administration & scientific staff under the domain of skuast.org.
• Support to farmer advisory system by providing weather data and advisory.
Contact details
Nodal OfficerNKN lab & Data centre
Phone : 0191-2263552 Email : nknoffice@skuast.org