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With the establishment of SKUAST-Jammu in 1999, students were introduced to various basic science subjects for proper understanding of the main stream viz. agriculture and veterinary/animal sciences in respective faculties. Keeping in view its emerging importance, Faculty of Basic Sciences came to existence in 2012 with a mandate of teaching, research and extension in basic science subjects. The Faculty got formal approval in July, 2015 and got accredited as Faculty of Basic Sciences by National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board of ICAR along with four divisions viz. Biochemistry, Statistics & Computer Science, Microbiology and Plant Physiology with PG programmes in the discipline of Biochemistry, Statistics, Microbiology & Plant Physiology and doctoral programmes in Biochemistry and Statistics for a period of five years (2016-17 to 2020-21). The course curricula and syllabi of the programmes of the disciplines have been adopted as per ICAR recommendations and have been designed to provide ideal learning opportunities and skill development to youth. Faculty places high premium on quality education, basic research and innovations to be locally relevant and nationally competitive. Its strategic alliance is also planned with sister institutions and universities within and outside the country for creating unique training and research opportunities for students and scientific staff.


Develop academic excellence in the area of teaching and human resource development in basic and cutting edge sciences relevant to agriculture and allied fields.

Conduct need based basic and strategic research that supplements or compliments efforts for sustainable production in harmony with nature.

Provide support to knowledge management, technology assimilation and its transfer in agriculture and allied fields.


Provide academic excellence in basic and cutting edge areas of science relevant to biological systems and livelihood.

Improve growth through sustainable intensification of agriculture and allied sectors with basic and strategic resech support.

Develop human resource equipped with modern innovative skills for higher employability and knowledge so as to propel cumulative development for efforts towards food and livelihood security.

Prof. Sanjay Guleria
Dean, Faculty of Basic Sciences
Main campus, Chatha
Contact No. :- 0191-2957959 (O) 
E-mail :- deanfbsc@skuastj.org, deanfbsc@gmail.com