- The Chancellor;
- The Pro-Chancellor;
- Agriculture Minister, Jammu and Kashmir Government;
- Minister for Forest, Animal & Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries, Floriculture and Horticulture (Co-opted Members)
- The Vice-Chancellor of the University;
- The Vice-Chancellor of the other University established under the provisions of this Act;
- Commissioner / Secretary to Government Agriculture Production Department, Jammu & Kashmir Government (Nominee of the Government);
- Commissioner / Secretary to Government Planning Development & Monitoring Department, Jammu & Kashmir Government (Co-opted Member).
- Commissioner / Secretary to Government Finance Department, Jammu & Kashmir Government (Co-opted Member).
- Registrar of the University (Non-Member Secretary).

The different authorities of the SKUAST-J are University Council, Board of Management, Research Council, Extension Education Council, Academic Council, Faculties and Board of Studies of different groups of subjects of different faculties. The University Council reviews the policies and programmes of the University and advises in regard to future plans, development and expansion and examines the annual accounts and annual audit report. The Board of Management suggests the programmes and policies which it considers necessary for the betterment and promotion of agriculture in broader sense in the State and in connection with the affairs of the University.
The Research Council considers and makes recommendations in respect of research programmes and projects undertaken or to be undertaken by the various University units in the state in the field of agriculture, veterinary science and animal husbandry, and other allied sciences with a view to promoting effective co-ordination. The Vice-Chancellor and authorities of the University are assisted by full time Project Planning and Monitoring Officer. The Extension Education Council considers and makes recommendations in respect of coordination of extension education activities for improvement of agriculture, animal husbandry and allied branches, and for the development of rural communities. The Academic Council is responsible for maintenance of standards on all academic matters.
The faculty constitutes the Board of Studies of each discipline. The board of Studies proposes to the faculty concerned the courses of study and curricula for various programmes of instruction offered by that faulty.
Roles & Responsibilities of Vice Chancellor
- The Vice-Chancellor is the Principal executive and academic officer of the University and ex-officio Chairman of the Board and of the Academic Council.
- The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise general control over the affairs of the University and is responsible for due maintenance of discipline in the University.
- The Vice-Chancellor shall ensure faithful observance of the provisions of this Act and Statutes and the Regulations.
- The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for the proper administration of the affairs of the University and for a close coordinationand integration of teaching, research and extension education.
Roles & Responsibilities of Director Extension
- Director of Extension is responsible for the Agriculture Extension Education programmes of the University.
- He is responsible for making make useful information based upon findings of researchavailable to farmers.
- He is responsible for the conduct of demonstrations and training programmes for thebenefit of extension workers, farmers and home makers.
Roles & Responsibilities of Director Research
- The university has a Director of Research who is be responsible for the direction and co-ordination of research programmes in the Universityon the problems of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and allied sciences for the purpose of aiding the development of Agriculture and for the benefit of rural population
- He is responsible for efficient working of the research stations.
Roles & Responsibilities of Director Education
- Director of Education is responsible for direction and co-ordination of inter-faculty and inter-campus resident instructional programmes.
- He is also responsible for maintenance of standard ofteaching at all levels of under- graduate and post-graduatestudies.
- He will be concerned with the policy matters and system regarding resident instruction in the University.
- He is also act as Dean, Faculty of Post-graduate Studies.
- He shall co-ordinate post-graduate studies in all Divisions, Departments, Colleges and Units of the University
Roles & Responsibilities of Registrar
- The Registrar is the Ex-officio non-member Secretary of the University Council and the Board of Management and Ex-officio Member Secretary of the Academic Council.
- The Registrar is responsible for the duecustody of records and common seal of the University.
- The Registrar is responsible for maintaining permanent records of the Academic Council, performance of the students of theUniversity including the courses taken,credits obtained, degrees, prizes or other distinctions and. other items pertaining to the academic performance and the discipline of the students.
- The Registrar shall invite and receive applications for admission into the University.
Roles & Responsibilities of Director Planning and Monitoring
- To assist the Vice-Chancellor and the authorities of the University in the matters relating to planning and development of the University;
- To prepare annual development plan in consultation with Comptroller and other officers/employees of the University;
- To advise in the preparation of Budget Estimates of the University, creation of posts and other special facilities in accordance with the University Programmes and project;
- To monitor the major programmes of the University and to compile the information on the various activities in consultation with various functionaries of the University and submit to the Vice-Chancellor in the form of annual report;
- To compile quarterly progress reports;
- Any other duties assigned by the Vice-Chancellor from time to time
Roles & Responsibilities of Comptroller
- The Comptroller shall be responsible for preparation of the budget and the statement of accounts of the University. He shall manage the funds and investments of the University. He shall be responsible for ensuring that expenditure is made as authorized.
- The Comptroller shall arrange periodical internal inspections of the accounts maintainedin the various units of the University.
- The Comptroller shall be responsible for themaintenance of the accounts of the University in the form and manner as approved by Boardand keep constant watch on the state of cashand bank balance and on the state ofinvestment.
- The Comptroller shall see that the register of buildings, furniture / equipments and other items are maintained up to date and that the stockchecking is conducted of all items in all officesand units of the University.
Roles & Responsibilities of Estate Officer
- To assist, arrange and supervise, maintenance, repair and construction of University buildings, fittings, roads, fencing, drains, channels, play grounds, parks and land other than the land comprising agricultural farms;
- To assist, arrange, and supervise maintenance, repair, installation and construction of the utility services, viz, water supply, electricity, power, fire protection etc.;
- To prepare the annual works budget of the University;
- To maintain upto date record of all the immovable property and works stores of the University;
- To process procurement and disposal of immovable property of the University;
Roles & Responsibilities of University Librarian
- He University Librarian shall be responsible for the maintenance and management of the University Library
- He shall be responsible to guide and co-ordinate the working inthe Libraries of the various constituent units of the University
- He shall be responsible toprepare the annual estimate of operational and developmentalrequirements of all the Libraries of the University forincorporation in the budget estimates.
Roles & Responsibilities of Dean, Faculty of Agriculture
- Dean is the Chairman of the Faculty and the Board of Studies of the concerned faculty.
- He is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the organization and implementation of the teaching programme of the faculty.
Roles & Responsibilities of Dean, Faculty of Veterinery Sciences & Animal Husnbandry
- Dean is the Chairman of the Faculty and the Board of Studies of the concerned faculty.
- He is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the organization and implementation of the teaching programme of the faculty.
- The Chancellor shall constitute the Board of Management (BoM) which shall consist of the following:
- The Vice-Chancellor (Ex- officio Chairman);
- The Planning Commissioner, Jammu and Kashmir Government;
- Commissioner/ Secretary, Finance department, Jammu and Kashmir Government;
- Commissioner/ Secretary, Agriculture Production Department, Jammu and Kashmir Government.
- The Vice-Chancellor of the other Agricultural University established under the provisions of SKUAST Act;
- One representative of ICAR;
- Two eminent agricultural/ veterinary scientists to be nominated by the Chancellor;
- One progressive farmer to be nominated by the Chancellor;
- One agro-industrialist to be nominated by the Chancellor; and
- Three Directors/ Deans in the University to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
- The Registrar (Non-member Secretary to the Board)
- The Vice-Chancellor, Ex-Officio Chairman;
- Director Education, Member;
- Director Research, Member;
- Director Extension, Member;
- Deans of faculties, Members;
- Coordinator, School of Bitechnology, Member;
- Heads of Divisions/ Regional Research Stations/Colleges/ Institutes, Members;
- One Teacher from each faculty to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor;
- One Professor having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of the subjects basic to Agriculture, Veterinary Science and other allied Sciences from each of the Universities of the State, Members;
- University Librarian, Member
- Registrar, Ex-Officio Secretary;
- Project Planning and Monitoring Officer, Member;
- One Post-Graduate Student (Ph.D) on the basis of academic merit to be nominated by Vice-Chancellor on rotation, Member;
- Vice-Chancellor, ex-officio Chairman;
- Agriculture Production Commissioner;
- Director of Agriculture;
- Director Horticulture;
- Director Animal Husbandry;
- Chief Conservator of Forests;
- Director Sheep Husbandry;
- Director Fisheries;
- All the Directors of the University (Director Extension Education will act as Member Secretary);
- All Deans of the Faculties;
- All Heads of the Divisions/ Regional Research Stations/ College;
- Two eminent persons in the field of Extension Education from outside to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor for any particular meeting in accordance with the requirement of the agenda;
- Three farmers having specialization in general Agriculture Horticulture Animal Husbandry and other allied branches to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor for their specialized knowledge and experience;
- One representative each of under mentioned organization as per request of the Vice-Chancellor;
- Community Rural Development Department;
- Co-operative Department;
- State Agro-Industries Development Corporation;
- Irrigation Department;
- Fertilizer Corporation of India;
- National Seeds Corporation;
- Any other Agro-Industries or Agro-Service Organization.
- Project Planning and Monitoring Officer;
Explanation: For purpose of the clauses (iii) to (viii), reference to the members shall be
deemed as reference to a member having jurisdiction in the concerned Division.
- Extension Education Programmes and Projects of the University:
- Co-ordination of Extension Education activities for improvement of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and allied sectors and for the development of Rural Communities;
- Development of farmers Education and Training and advisory services, identification and resolution of field problems in transmission of information;
- Methodology of Extension Education;
- Integration of Extension Education with teaching and research in the University and participation of teachers and research workers in Extension Education Programmes;
- Any other matter referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor, Board or any other authority of the University.
- The Vice-Chancellor, Ex-officio Chairman;
- The Director Agriculture;
- The Director Horticulture;
- The Director Sheep Husbandry;
- The Director Animal Husbandry;
- The Chief Conservator of Forests;
- The Director of Fisheries;
- All the Directors of the University (Director Research will act as Member Secretary);
- All Deans of the Faculties;
- All Heads of the Divisions/ Regional Research Stations/ College;
- Two Scientists of Eminence from outside to be nominated for particular meetings by the
Vice-Chancellor for their specialized knowledge of subject or subjects on the agenda of the meeting; - Project Planning and Monitoring Officer
Explanation: For purpose of the clauses (ii) to (viii), reference to the members shall be deemed as
reference to a member having jurisdiction in the concerned Division
- Research programmes and projects undertaken or to be undertaken by the various University units in the State in the field of Agriculture, Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry and other allied Sciences with a view to promoting effective co-ordination;
- Physical fiscal and administrative facilities required for implementing research projects;
- Orienting research to meet farmers needs;
- Integration of research, extension education and teaching and participation of research workers in teaching
and extension education programme; - Any other matter pertaining to research programmes which may be referred to by the Vice-Chancellor or the Board or any other authority of the University.
Dean of Faculty concerned |
Chairman |
All Professors/Chief Scientists of the concerned faculty | Members |
All Associate Professors/Senior Scientist of the College of Agriculture in respect of Agriculture Faculty | Members |
All Associate Professors/Senior Scientists of the Division of Veterinary Sciences in respect of Veterinary Faculty | Members |
One Associate Professor/Senior Scientist from each Division/Regional Station to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor on rotation for a period of two years in respect of Post Graduate Faculty. | Members |
Three Assistant Professors/Junior Scientists from the College of Agriculture in respect of Faculty of Agriculture to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor on rotation for a period of two years. | Members |
Three Assistant Professors/Junior Scientists from the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor on rotation for a period of two years in respect of Veterinary Faculty. | Members |
One teacher not below the rank of Associate Professor from the concerned Faculty to be nominated by the concerned Dean. | Members |
Functions of the Board of Studies
- To propose to the faculty concerned the courses of study ad curricula for various programmes of instruction offered by that faculty.
- To perform such other functions as directed by the concerned faculty from time to time.
- To propose to the faculty concerned the courses of study ad curricula for various programmes of instruction offered by that faculty.
- To perform such other functions as directed by the concerned faculty from time to time.