Dr. Sushil Kumar Gupta

Dr.Shahid Ahamad
Associate Director Research
Dr.Shahid Ahamad presently working as Associate Director Research (Plant Pathology)in the Directorate of Research. He did M.Sc. (Plant Pathology) in 1996 from CSAU, Kanpur and Ph.D. in Botany (Plant Pathology) in 2003 from CSJMU, Kanpur. He started his career as a Research Associate (Plant Pathology) in IARI, New Delhi in 1997.... He Joined as Jr. Scientist (Plant Pathology) in 2001 in SKUAST-Jammu, Programme Coordinator/Sr. Scientist in 2008 and upgraded as Chief Scientist in November, 2014. Presently he is working as Nodal Officer, PME Cell. He got recognitions viz. Fellow of Society of Plant Protection Sciences (FPPS),IARI, New Delhi in 2006, Fellow of Indian Phytopathogical Society (FPSI), IARI, New Delhi in 2015. He was elected as Councillor (2012-15) of Society of Plant Protection Sciences (Annals of Plant Protection Sciences) Division of Nematology, I.A.R.I., New Delhi and President, IPS,NZ in 2017. He also got many awards viz., Young Achiever Awards -2011 for his outstanding contribution in the field of Plant Pathology by SADHNA (Society for Advancement of Human and Nature, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry Nauni, Solan Himachal Pradesh, Distinguished Service Awards (2012) for his outstanding contribution in the field of Plant Pathology by Bioved Research Society, Allahabad,U.P., Scientist of the Year Award (2013) for his outstanding contribution in the field of Plant Pathology by Society of Biological Sciences and Rural Development,Allahabad, U.P.He has been published more than 200 publications in national and international reputed journals/magazines, News Papers including 10 books in different aspects of agriculture and Plant Pathology. He working as peer reviewer in reputed national and international journals. He also organized one Nation Symposium & IPS NZ Meet (2017) in SKUAST-Jammu.

Dr.Mahital Jamwal
Assoc.Director Research
Dr. Mahital Jamwal, a resident of J&K, India, presently working as Assoc.Director Research with SKUAST-Jammu, did his Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Honours from Dayanand College Ajmer (DAV College), affiliated to the MDS University, Ajmer (Rajasthan, India) during the year 1997,... followed by Masters degree in Agriculture (Horticulture) from Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Naini, affiliated to the University of Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh, India) during 1999 and further Doctoral degree programme in Horticulture from the Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana, India) during 2003. He joined SKUAST-Jammu during January 2006 and worked in the capacities of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor (Fruit Sciences). He was selected as Postdoctoral Fellow at Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Beit Dagan, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, State of Israel during 2013. He has a rich experience with production technologies of temperate and sub-tropical fruit crops in J&K, India. He worked as Incharge/ Head of the Regional Horticultural Research Station, Bhaderwah (Doda, India) for five years from 2014 to 2019. He has a vast experience in teaching and research guidance to UG and PG students as well as PhD scholars. He was a team member for developing varieties one each of pecan-nut and Bhaderwahi Rajmash (french bean). During his service career, besides many other achievements in teaching and research and trainings at national and international levels, he availed Ministry of the Netherlands fellowship during 2007 for the programme organized by Alterra-ILRI, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands & ANGRAU, Hyderabad, during 2007 and fellowship from J&K State Department of Science & Technology for participation in the conference organized by KMITL Bangkok Thailand and Tokai University Japan during 2010 for paper presentation. He has published many book chapters and articles and has more than 30 research paper publications in his credit in national and international scientific journals. He acted as the resource person for E-learning program on Post harvest technology during 2011, organized by Postharvest Technology, Extension Systems International PO Box 3130, Quartzsite, Arizona 85359 USA. He was awarded DST fellowship from the Ministry of Science & Technology of China, Beijing during 2011 and MASHAV fellowship from the Ministry of External Affairs, Israel during 2012. He acted as a reviewer for several national and international scientific journals. He has handled more than 20 research projects in the capacity of Principal Investigator as well as Co- Principal Investigator and is a member of many national and international scientific societies. He remained an active member in organizing many scientific and social events in the University. He has also received many awards and recognitions during his professional career. He was conferred with Young Scientist Award in the two-day national seminar, organized by Royal Association for Science-led Socio-Cultural Advancement (RASSA), New Delhi, in collaboration with Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu (SKUAST-J) during 2018. The Senate & Board of prestigious International Business Summit during the 19th International Business Summit and Research Conference INBUSH–ERA World Summit-2019 at Amity University, Noida (Uttar Pradesh) bestowed Amity Academic Excellence Award to recognize his most valuable contribution and excellence in the field of academics.
Contact Information
Directorate of Research Main CampusSKUAST-Jammu, ChathaJammu (J&K) -180009
Tel:0191-2263973Fax: 0191-2263973