SKUAST-J celebrates International Women’s Day

Sher-e-Kashmir University
of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu (SKUAST-J) celebrated the
International Women’s Day here today at Aghar Jitto
village (Reasi)) which was enthusiastically attended by a large number of rural
women of the district. The
programme was organised under the dynamic stewardship of Hon’ble Vice
Chancellor Prof. B.N. Tripathi and able guidance of Director Extension Prof.
Amrish Vaid of SKUAST-J.Director Research, Prof.S.K.Gupta and Dean of Student
Welfare, Dr.Sudhakar Diwedi of SKUAST-J also graced the occasion. The programme was
inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Hon’ble
Vice Chancellor Prof. B.N. Tripathi. He spoke on the significance of event and spoke in length on gender equality and women’s rights. He
highlighted the balanced diet and guided the participants on Nutri-Garden,
Biofortified varieties of different crops and Nutri Thali. He highlighted the
equal rights of women in economics, social and political arenas. He applauded
the extraordinary contribution of women in the development of the society. The
programme was coordinated by Dr. Hema Tripathi, Associate Director Extension,
who stressed on the empowerment of rural women as they play a crucial role in
raising the economy of the nation. She said that there is dire need to create
gender balance in the society for the overall development of the nation. She
urged participants to tackle the persistent barriers against gender
equality.She said that women play a pivotal role in the crops production and
productivity but their contribution is marginalised. Special Guest of the
event, Mission Director, JKRLM, Dr. Shubhra Sharma stressed on the female literacy
and asked participants to provide quality education to their female children.
She suggested the participants to form the Self Help Groups (SHGs)/Farmers
Producer Organisations (FPOs) and start the micro-enterprises in the rural
areas so that their socio-economic condition can be improved. She also guided
the women for value addition in the fruits and vegetables.Ms. Prem Lata,
Sarpanch, Aghar Jitto spoke on entrepreneurship development in agriculture and
stressed on the post-harvest technologies by which extra income and employment
can be created among the rural women. She thanked KVK Reasi for guiding the
rural women on post-harvest technologies. Dr. Paras Khanna, Oncology spoke in
detail on cervical cancer, its etiology, treatment. He also stressed upon
self-evaluation by females on regular basis followed by visit to the experts.
Dr. Anil Gupta, Health Officer elaborated upon the hygienic aspect for the
safety of the rural women. Dr. Sushma Gupta spoke in detail on reproductive
health and personal hygiene. During the programme a health check camp was also
organized in which treatment was provided to more than 300 women. Team of NSS
(SKUAST-Jammu) organized a Nukkad Natak on the theme “Andh vishwas ka Vyapaar”. The dignitaries along with participants
also visited the exhibition stall and were highly impressed by observing the
results of various technologies demonstrated by the progressive women. In this event programme, participants also
interacted with the experts and raised various quarries which were answered
satisfactorily by experts. The proceedings of the programme were carried by
Ms.Pooja Nair, Deputy Director, SAMETI,SKUAST-J. The programme was attended by
Dr. Banarsi Lal, Chief Scientist & Head, KVK Reasi, Dr.Pooja, Associate
Professor,Div. of Vegetables Science,SKUAST-J, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma,DDE,Dr.Subash
Kashyap, Dr. Lalit Upadhyay, Dr Mandeep Singh Azad, Dr. Sanjay Koushal, Sh.
Adarsh Gupta, DDM, NABARD, Sh. Jugal Magotra, Nodal Officer, JKRLM and others.
The programme was assisted by Dr. Jagdish Kumar, Sh. Manohar Lal and Sh. Md.
Iqbal and concluded by Dr. Banarsi Lal with the formal vote of thanks.
20th University Council Meeting of SKUAST-Jammu

Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-J inaugrated custom hiring center under HADP

VC SKUAST-Jammu Inaugurates High-End Research Facilities at Institute of Biotechnology

Prof. B.N. Tripathi, Vice-Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu inaugurated high-end
research facility developed under VC Flexi grant scheme of Holistic Agriculture
Development Plan (HADP) project of Govt. of J&K UT. The facility includes
high throughput transfection Particle Delivery System and a next generation
sequencing unit. Prof. Tripathi
expressed satisfaction on the establishment of
such a facility which will give a boost to the genomic research for
accelerated and precision crop improvement. The VC advised the scientists to
utilize these high-end equipments to their fullest potential, and strive for
breakthroughs that could contribute significantly to the field of biotechnology
and beyond.
Later, Prof. B.N. Triptahi interacted with a group
of technicians of Department of Horticulture, JK UT Govt., who were imparted
two months training on ‘Tissue Culture Practices and Protocols for Scaled
upProduction of Quality Planting Material in EconomicallyImportant Fruit Plants’
at Institute of Biotechnology, SKUAST-Jammu with financial support under HADP.
Present on the occasion were Sh. C.L. Sharma,
Director Horticulture; Prof. S.K. Gupta, Director Research; Prof. AmrishVaid,
Director Extension; Prof. R.K. Salgotra, Director Institute of Biotechnology,
Dr. HemaTripathi, Associate Director Extension and faculty members of the
Prof. B.N. Tripathi emphasized on the importance of
conducting such trainings for technical staff of line departments to make them
more skillful for generating quality planting material of economically
important crops. He ensured continuous technical backup of the biotechnology
scientists to the Department of Horticulture in establishing and
operationalizing the Tissue Culture Laboratories being established at Mega
Fruit Nursery, Chakroi. Prof. Tripathi laid stress on developing cost effective
commercial tissue culture protocols for fruit plants such as strawberry, citrus
fruits and banana.
Sh. C.L. Sharma expressed gratitude to the
University for training manpower of the Department in tissue culture which will
boost production of planting material for meeting demand of the farming
community. He promised the financial support to the University through projects
for need based research endeavors. The Director Horticulture felt need of
surveying the fruit growing pockets of the Jammu region for estimating the production
potential of major fruit crops.
Dr. S.K. Gupta appreciated the efforts of the
concerned scientists and cooperation provided by the Department of Horticulture
for conducting the training programme.
Dr. HemaTripathi took feed back from the trainees and suggested that a
certificate course in Tissue Culture may be instituted and offered on regular
Earlier, Prof. R.K. Salgotra welcomed the
dignitaries and presented an outline of newly created research facilities,
along with brief report of activities of the training programme. Prof. Salgotra conveyed his gratitude to the
Vice-Chancellor for providing funds for
establishing high-end research facilities under VC Flexi grant.
Second day of ‘VET FEST 2K24’ showcases cultural extravaganza

On the second day of VET FEST 2K24 veterinary students showcased
their talents in cultural extravaganza‘RangRez’
hosted by the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry at
SKUAST-Jammu, R S Pura.
Dr. Rajesh Katoch,
Dean, F.V.Sc & A.H graced the occasion and inaugurated the event alongside
other Faculty members. Students showcased their talents in cultural events like Dhanak, the Dance
competition (Solo, Duet and Group folk dance); Suriley the singing
competition (Solo, Duet and Group); Kehkashan, the fashion show, Express,
the skit and drama. The VET FEST 2K24 is being organized under
the guidance of Dr. B.N Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu. The
event is being conducted in collaboration with IDP-NAHEP, SKUAST-Jammu.
Rajesh Katoch, the Patron of the Organizing Committee and Dean of the Faculty
of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry reaffirmed that platforms like
Vet Fest serve as catalysts for holistic growth, enabling participants to
explore their potential beyond the confines of traditional academic settings
and encouraging them to embrace a spirit of exploration and experimentation.
H.R Bhardwaj, Organizing Secretary of VET FEST 2K24 extended warm welcome to
all the invited guests and audience.
SKUAST-Jammu Organizes Events on Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE)

Mission LiFE: Ideation and
Poster competition at SKUAST-Jammu
University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu in its mission to
create awareness among students regarding “Mission LiFE” conducted two events
on Poster Making and Ideation under the theme ‘Waste to Wealth in Agriculture,
Horticulture, Agroforestry and Livestock Farming’. The objective of organizing
events was to scale up vision of Mission Life into on-ground actions.In the poster
making contest, 60 talented participants showcased their creativity and
commitment to the cause while the Ideation competition witnessed the active
participation of 13 candidates who presented innovative ideas for creation of
wealth from waste through PowerPoint presentations.The events were managed by Dr.
Manmohan Sharma, Dr. Ankur Rastogi, Dr. Sachin Gupta and Dr. Partiksha Raghuvanshi.
Mission LiFE,
proposed at Glasgow Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in November 2021 and
launched on 20th October, 2022 by Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi,
is envisioned as an India-led global mass movement that will nudge individual
and collective action to protect and preserve the environment.
enthusiasm and dedication exhibited by the students was commendable, reflecting
their commitment to generate innovative solutions for addressing pressing environmental
challenges caused by diverse agro wastes. Dr. Hema Tripathi, Associate Director
Extension, SKUAST-Jammu and Prof. A.K. Raina, former Professor and Head,
Department of Environment Sciences, University of Jammu were the judges in
Ideation contest while Shri Sat Paul Deol judged the poster competition.
programme was held under the overall patronage of Prof. B.N. Tripathi, Vice
Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu. Prof. Rajinder Peshin, Director of Education is the
Chairperson while Prof. Sudhakar Dwivedi, Dean Student Welfare is acting as the
Coordinator of the Programmes being organized under Mission LiFe at
student activities under Mission LiFE at SKUAST-Jammu are being organized in
coordination with NAHEP-IDP and NSS unit of the University.These events shall serve
as precursors to the main function scheduled to be held at the Baba Jitto
Auditorium, SKUAST-Jammu on May 13, 2024.
Valedictory Function of One Month Agri-entrepreneurship Training Programmes held by Agri-Business Incubator, SKUAST-Jammu

Faculty of Veterinary Sciences & A.H., SKUAST-Jammu, celebrates World Veterinary Day, 2K24

Dr. Tripathi in his address
emphasized the significant role of Veterinarians as essential health workers in
maintaining the health and welfare of animals as well as humans globally
stressing the one health concept. He congratulated the veterinarians and requested
the fraternityto work with zeal and zest for the betterment of the profession
and public at large. Further, he said that veterinarians play a multifaceted
role towards the development of the society. Dr. Rajesh Katoch, Dean,
F.V.Sc.& A.H., echoed similar sentiments and asserted that
Veterinarians play a crucial role in financial, social, mental and physical
health of animal owners and prevention and control of animal diseases. They
also work towards the improvement of human health through public and private
veterinary services. Dr. J.S. Soodan, Dean, Faculty of Dairy Technology,
highlighted the importance of veterinarians in society and their role in
promoting animal health, welfare and economy of the Union Territory. Dr. P.S.
Bindra, a leading practitioner of Jammu region was also honored by Hon’ble
Vice-Chancellor. A quiz competition for veterinary students on the said theme
was also organized in which UG/PG students participated with utmost enthusiasm.
The day also witnessed painting and essay writing competition in the Faculty. A
veterinary clinical-cum-health camp was also organized in the same week at
village Badyal Brahmina of RS Pura block as a part of WVD, 2K24. Sponsors in
the WVD were Himalaya, Virbac, Intas Pharmaceutical Ltd., Indian Immunologicals
and Skyec. All the statutory officers, HOD’s, teaching and non-teaching staff
of faculty along with the veterinary students actively participated in the
occasion and the day ended with prize distribution during valedictory ceremony.
The programme was well coordinated by Dr. R.K. Bhardwaj, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr.
H.R. Bhardwaj, Dr. Harsh Sharma, Dr. Ankur Rastogi, Dr. B. Brahma, Dr. S.R.
Upadhyay, Dr. Kafil Hussain, Dr. A.L. Koul, Dr. P. Goswami, , Dr. N. Sharma,
Dr. N.Nashiruddulah, Dr. I.A. Ganai and Dr. Nazam Khan.
Organization of ‘Earth Day’ by NSS SKUAST-Jammu

Training Program on Marketing and Business Opportunities for Horticultural Crops commences at KVK-Jammu

Under the esteemed guidance of Professor B.N Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu 5-days’ training program on Marketing and Business Opportunities for Horticultural Crops was inaugurated today at KVK-Jammu, SKUAST-Jammu. The training programme is being organized by Division of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, FoA in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jammu and sponsored by CCS-National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, Jaipur, Rajasthan . This initiative is set to empower local communities and drive agricultural innovation in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.The program commenced with the felicitation of Dr. Dil Mohd. Maqdoomi, Director Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Dr. Amrish Vaid, Director Extension, SKUAST-Jammu,Dr. Hema Tripathi, Associate Director Extension and Dr. Sudhakar Dwivedi (Course Director), Dean Student Welfare, SKUAST-Jammu were Special Guest(s) on the occasion. Dr. Dil Mohd. Maqdoomi, Director Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir in his address, highlighted the significance of understanding and promoting local crops, emphasizing their health benefits. He emphasized that it's time to educate farmers on the significance of processing, branding, and marketing to secure premium prices for their high-quality products. Dr. Amrish Vaid, Director Extension, SKUAST-Jammu, shared insights into marketing strategies and enhancements in agricultural production. He emphasized the role of startups, value addition, and supply chain management, citing examples of successful ventures. Dr. Hema Tripathi, Associate Director Extension in her address discussed the needs and requirements of farmers, elaborating on India’s ranking in fruits and vegetables. Her captivating speech inspired participants to delve into innovative approaches within the agricultural sector.Additionally, she provided insights into the growth and opportunities in horticulture while addressing strategies to overcome challenges. Earlier, Dr. Sudhakar Dwivedi, Dean Student Welfare and Course Director of the training programme provided a comprehensive overview of the training program. He shed light on the marketing and business opportunities available for horticultural crops in the region of Jammu and Kashmir. Dr. Punit Choudhary, Chief Scientist and Head, KVK, Jammu welcomed all the dignitaries and participants. Dr. Anil Bhat, Dr. Prem Kumar, Dr. Ravneet Kour, Dr. Sheetal Badyal, Dr. Muneeshwar Sharma, Dr. Amitesh, Dr. Raju, Mr. Satbier Singh and Dr. Poonam were also present during the inaugural. Thirty participants including youths, SHG members, FPO members from different areas of Jammu region are participating in the programme.The program concluded with a formal vote of thanks by Dr. Prem Kumar, Scientist, Fisheries expressing gratitude to all stakeholders and participants. Proceedings of the programme were conducted by Dr. Poonam.
Researchers from SKUAST Jammu Showcase Their Work at Coastal Bend Mathematics and Statistics Conference of Texas A and M University Kingsville

8th Coastal Bend Mathematics and Statistics Conference, meticulously organized
by the Art and Science department of Mathematics at Texas A and M
University-Kingsville on April 6th, 2024. Esteemed delegates hailing from
diverse corners of the world gathered on this platform through online as well
as offline mode, to exchange insights
and expertise within the realms of Mathematics and Statistics. Among the
distinguished speakers was Dr. Manish Sharma, Professor
and Head of the Division of Statistics and Computer Science at SKUAST Jammu.
The unwavering support and visionary leadership of Prof. B. N. Tripathi, Honorable Vice Chancellor of SKUAST-Jammu,
served as the milestone for the university academic excellence, empowering
researchers and scholars to represent the institution on a global arena.
Manish Sharma delivered a invited talk on Resilient Regression Strategies for
Handling Outliers and Multicollinearity in Data Analysis, elucidating
innovative methodologies to address the unique challenges posed by outliers and
multicollinearity, particularly within agricultural data sets. The presentation
delved into various strategies within the framework of resilient regression,
highlighting robust regression techniques such as M-estimation and robust
standard errors, which effectively mitigate the influence of outliers while
preserving the integrity of regression models. Furthermore, Dr. Sharma
elucidated the detrimental effects of multicollinearity, which can be handled
through regularization techniques such as ridge regression and the lasso, he
also proposed innovative solutions to combat multicollinearity, thereby
enhancing the stability and interpretability of regression models.
VC SKUAST-Jammu Inaugurates High-End Portable Photosynthetic System for advancing research in crop sciences

Dr. B.N. Tripathi, Vice Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology todayinaugurated the
cutting-edge High-Ended Portable Photosynthetic System (LICOR-6800F). This
system, housed in the Division of Plant Physiology within the Faculty of Basic
Sciences at Chatha, is poised to revolutionize agricultural research in Jammu
and Kashmir under the JK HADP Project.
The LICOR-6800F system represents a leap forward in
agricultural technology, facilitating advanced research aimed at developing new
crop genotypes specifically tailored to thrive in the unique climate conditions
of the region. By mimicking photosynthesis and capturing solar light for power
conversion, this state-of-the-art system offers non-destructive measurement
capabilities, utilizing hetero atomic molecules such as CO₂, H₂O, NH₃, CO, SO₂,
N₂O, NO, and gaseous hydrocarbons like CH₃, each with characteristic absorption
spectra in the infra-red region.
The primary function of the Infra-red Gas Analyzers
(IRGA) within the system is to measure CO₂ concentration. Scientists worldwide
are utilizing this equipment to predict and analyze climatic variations
affecting crop growth, development, and yield potential. By monitoring
physiological functions such as photosynthesis, transpiration, and stomatal
conductance, researchers can optimize agronomic practices to enhance crop productivity
while minimizing adverse environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions
and soil salinity.
During the inauguration, Prof. Tripathi toured the
Technology Park of the University, where he witnessed a demonstration of the
LICOR-6800F system by expert technicians. He engaged with faculty and students,
discussing the implications of climate change and the critical role of advanced
equipment in fundamental agricultural research. Prof. Tripathi emphasized the
versatility of this facility across various crops, including cereals, pulses,
oilseeds, fruits, ornamentals, and vegetables, particularly during challenging
weather conditions, offering valuable data for breeding programs.
Dr.Gurdev Chand, Head of the
Division of Plant Physiology, highlighted the wide-ranging applications of the
LICOR-6800F system across agricultural disciplines, underscoring its importance
for accelerating research objectives. The event was attended by Dr. S K Gupta,
Director Research; Dr.AmrishVaid, Director Extension; Dr. S.E.H. Rizvi, Dean
Faculty of Basic Sciences; Dr. R.K. Samnotra, Head, Division of Vegetable Sciences;
Dr. Sanjay Guleria, Head, Division of Biochemistry; and Dr.Brajeshwar Singh,
Head, Division of Microbiology.
XXVIII Biennial Workshop of AICRPDA and 11th Annual Review Meeting commences at SKUAST Jammu

Workshop on Project Management and Ethics in Science under SERB-DST commenced at SKUAST-Jammu

Vice-Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu flagged off undergraduate students for Educational Tour.

SKUAST Jammu Vice-Chancellor Prof. B.N.Tripathi flagged off final year batch of 100 undergraduate students along with 4 scientists and 2 assistant staff from Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST)- Jammu from Main campus Chatha for educational tour in presence of Director Education Prof. Rajinder Pehsin, Director Research and Registrar Prof. S.K.Gupta, Dean FoA Prof. Anil Kumar, Dean Student Welfare Prof. Sudhakar Dwivedi, tour incharges Prof. L.K.Sharma, Prof. P.K.Rai and Dr. Manpreet Kour.
The Vice-Chancellor extends his best wishes to all students for a safe, enriching, and memorable educational tour.
The educational tour promises to be an immersive journey, giving students a chance to broaden their horizons, explore new vistas of knowledge. Guided by experienced educators and supported by diligent helpers, the students will be engaging in a variety of educational and cultural activities.
The flag-off ceremony, presided over by the Vice Chancellor, symbolizes the university commitment to providing comprehensive educational experiences that transcend traditional boundaries. With a blend of academic rigor, cultural immersion, and hands-on learning, the tour is poised to leave a lasting impact on the students.
As a part of educational tour programme, the students from Agriculture University SKUAST Jammu, will be visiting Jaipur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur from 21st February to 3rd March 2024. The tem of 100 students along with accompanying professors will be visiting various institute facilities such as NIAM Jaipur, Rajasthan Agriculture research institute, Jaipur, MPUAT Udaipur, CAZRI Jodhpur apart from seeing pristine beauty of desert in super splendid Jasailmer.
Kisan Mela on Diversified Rainfed Farming organised at KVK Samba

Prof. B. N. Tripathi visits Advanced Center for Rainfed Agriculture

B. N. Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice
Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu made his maiden visit to Advanced Centre of Rainfed Agriculture, Rakh Dhiansar along
with Dr. Anil Kumar, Dean Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Vikas Tandon, Dean Faculty of Horticulture
and Forestry and Dr. Mahital Jamwal, Associate
Director Research, SKUAST-Jammu During the
visit to ACRA Dhiansar, Dr A. P Singh, Incharge, ACRA welcomed the Hon’ble Vice
Chancellor and other accompanying statutory officers of the university. He
further briefed the Vice Chancellor about the ongoing station activities including
different projects and experiments being carried out at research station. Vice Chancellor expressed his satisfaction regarding
the working of research station, moreover, he also impressed upon the staff to
strive to explore the possibilities and ways for further improvement of
infrastructure and other research related facilities at ACRA. He also exhorted the scientific and field
staff to usher for their pursuit to achieve excellence in their professional
endeavours. Prof. Tripathi interacted with all the scientific, technical and
field staff working at station and had one to one interaction regarding various
issues being faced by them while giving a patient hearing to their genuine
concerns. Dr. Tripathi also visited the research farm of ACRA and took stock of
the ongoing research. During the visit, Dr. A. P. Singh, Incharge ACRA
appraised the Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu about the nullah carrying harmful
industrial effluents, from nearby industrial area, passing through the ACRA
experimental farm. He further explained that the same nullah gets housed and
overflows in to the nearby field experiments and crops raised for seed
production purpose, especially during rainy season, thereby causing enormous
loss to the elite planting material and spoils the experimental crops. Further,
after threadbare discussion, it was resolved that either the course of this
nullah should be diverted out of the experimental farm of ACRA or the nullah
should be desilted and cement lining should be done in its left out kucha
portion to improve its carrying capacity along with a pre-condition that the
effluents should be released only after the proper treatment in the
JK Agricultural Science Congress concludes

J and K Agricultural Science Congress concluded today at Sher-e-Kashmir
University of Agricultural Science and Technology - Jammu. The Congress was
organized in collaboration with J and K Science, Technology and Innovation
Council, Department of Science and Technology, UT of J and K. The main theme of
the Congress was “Diversification of Agriculture for Self-Reliant Mountain
Agro-Ecology”. Professor B. N.Tripathi, the Vice Chancellor of SKUAST-Jammu,
graced the valedictory function as the Chief Guest. Addressing the audience,
Professor Tripathi emphasized the pressing concern of climate change and
stressed the importance of biodiversity conservation and genetic research to
mitigate its effects. He highlighted the unique multidisciplinary nature of the
conference, underlining the need for agriculture to become a lucrative venture.
Professor Tripathi advocated for the development of area-specific cropping patterns
incorporating profitable enterprises, to be disseminated to end-users through Krishi
Vigyan Kendras (KVKs). He urged the refinement of technology to better address
farmers problems and enhance applicability.More than 300 delegates from across
the country participated in the three day deliberations. There were 11 sub
themes where in more than 60 oral presentations were made and more than 80
posters were presented during the Congress. Conveners of all the themes read
out the recommendations generated out of the sessions. Dr. S. K.Gupta, Director
Research, SKUAST-Jammu and convener of the Congress welcomed the Chief Guest
and all the delegates. He said that the significant recommendations formulated
during the congress will be communicated to development departments for formulation
of sound policies for promoting agriculture and allied sectors in the region. Prof
Anil Kumar, Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Prof Rajesh Katoch, Dean FVSc and AH
also spoke on the occasion. Awards were also given to best oral and poster presentations
under different categories. All the statutory officers of the university, Head of
the Divisions, faculty members, delegates, students were presented during the session.
The vote of thanks was presented by the organizing secretary, Prof. Vikas Sharma.
Lt Governor addresses inaugural session of 6th J and K Agricultural Science Congress at SKUAST Jammu

Jammu, February 08 Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha addressed the inaugural session of the 6th
J&K Agricultural Science Congress on Diversification
of Agriculture for Self-Reliant Mountain Agro-Ecology at SKUAST Jammu,
The Lt Governor
welcomed the eminent scientists and researchers from across the country in the
three-day conference.He said the exchange of ideas and discussions among the
experts on critical aspects of alternative agriculture systems, digital
agriculture, start-up culture, advanced veterinary science, innovation,
and data sciences will help in addressing the challenges and exploring opportunities in
sustainable agriculture.The Lt Governor directed the Agricultural Universities to prepare a strategy for diversification, value addition, supply chain management and
profitable market linkage for small and
marginal farmers.J&K has diverse agro-climatic zones which provide ample
scope of adopting farm level diversifications. With this scientific solution,
we can mitigate the impact of climate change and will be able to generate
higher farm revenue from the same piece of land, the Lt Governor said.The Lt
Governor made certain valuable suggestions to improve productivity and make the
agriculture and allied sector more lucrative for farmers and stakeholders.
He advised for
chalking out an effective scientific strategy for organic and integrated
farming. Our farmers should be provided necessary handholding and guidance on
Monoculture farming so that they could avail the benefits of this ‘Farming of
Future’, he said.
The Lt Governor
emphasized on increasing awareness and dissemination of information on the
benefits of crop rotation, digitization and precision farming tools among the
farmers.He also advised for Rural Action Plan for innovation, technological
advances, digital agriculture to make rural community accessible to the key
flagship areas of the agriculture and allied sectors.Addressing the gathering, the Lt Governor
shared various progressive steps taken by the government including Holistic Agriculture Development
Programme (HADP), high density plantation, GI tags for niche products,
agri-entrepreneurship, new Farmers Producers Organisations and developing
educational institutions as a technical hub to support farmers.J&K is the biggest producer of apple in
the country. Last year, our annual production was 75 % of the countrys total
production. In the last 3 years, 2.44 lakh metric tonnes of CA storage
additional capacity have been added and we are aiming to add similar capacity
in the next 6 months, the Lt Governor further added.
Dr. B. N. Tripathi,
Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu and Conference Chair emphasized upon the
importance of diversification of agriculture and its potential in attaining
food and livelihood security.
At SKUAST Jammu, the
Lt Governor inaugurated the
International Hostel of the University.
He also released the
Souvenir cum Abstracts of the 6th J&K Agricultural Science Congress being organized by SKUAST-J in
collaboration with J&K Science, Technology and Innovation Council,
Department of Science & Technology, J&K.
the occasion, J&K Science, Technology & Innovation Council, Department
of Science & Technology handed over a cheque of the financial assistance of
Rs 1.45 crore to SKUAST Jammu on account of research of R&D projects under
the Sponsored Research & Extension Programme scheme.Prof. Nazir Ahmad
Ganai, Vice-Chancellor SKUAST Kashmir; Sh Saurabh Bhagat,
Commissioner/Secretary, Science & Technology Department; senior Officers of
UT Administration and SKUAST, Agriculture Scientists, scholars and students
were present.
SKUAST-Jammu holds 11th Extension Education Council Meeting

B. N. Tripathi, Honorable Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-J chaired 11th Extension
Education council meeting of SKUAST-Jammu held on 29th January, 2024
at Conference Hall, Main Campus, Chatha. The statutory meeting is a regular
feature wherein scientists of the university, officers from the line
departments, experts in the field of agriculture and veterinary sciences and
progressive farmers takes stock of the extension activities of the previous
year and formulate action plan of the extension activities of next year.
On the
onset Dr. Amrish Vaid, Director Extension, SKUAST-Jammu welcome the Vice
Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu, officers of line department, scientists and HoDs of all
the faculties, progressive farmers, Heads of Krishi Vigyan Kendras of SKUAST-J
to the meeting and deliberated upon the importance of holding such meetings and
briefed the participants about the extension activities undertaken by
SKUAST-Jammu during the current year.
on the occasion, Professor B. N. Tripathi laid emphasis on proper
implementation of centrally sponsored schemes, mainly for augmenting the income
of the farm households. Vice-Chancellor stressed upon the University Scientists
and provisional heads of the line departments to further strengthening of
coordination between the research and extension agencies for boosting
agricultural productivity in the Jammu division. He also stressed upon the
participants to have more interaction for chalking out the strategies for
enhancing agricultural production and economic return to the farmers of the
region. He emphasized for developing road map for long term coordinated efforts
of university and allied development departments. Dr. Hema Tripathi, National
Coordinator, ICAR, New Delhi in her expert remarks suggested documentation of
farmers experiences and understanding their indigenous knowledge. She
expressed gratitude towards SKUAST-Jammu, the Directorate of Extension, and
KVKs for their dedicated efforts in disseminating agricultural technologies to
farmers. She suggested for coordination and cooperation of SKUAST-Jammu and
departments for timely transfer of technology among farmers. Emphasizing the
importance of enhancing the university visibility, she stressed the necessity
of making farm literature available on the website in Hindi and Dogri, along
with showcasing success stories. She underscored the need to develop an
e-extension portal for comprehensive dissemination of information, ensuring all
details are uploaded to the platform. Recognizing the significance of industry
collaboration, she highlighted the linkage with industries in future. Additionally,
she advocated for specialized training programs such as capsules and refresher
courses for field veterinarians. Further she
emphasized for impact evaluation of developmental programmes. Mr. G. A. Sofi,
Secretary (T), Govt. of J and K UT in his remarks advocated for promotion of
goat and sheep among marginal and small farmers. In the concluding remarks, the
Vice Chancellor expressed his satisfaction about the work-done by the KVKs. He
again emphasized on studying the impact of training and other capacity building
programme being carried out by the various units of the university. The meeting
was attended by the Statutory officers of the University, Director(s) of field
Departments and three progressive farmers Sh. Baskhi Ganesh Dass, Smt. Shashi Devi
and Sh. Darshan Lal. Proceedings of the program were conducted by Dr. Pawan K
Sharma, Associate Professor, Directorate of Extension. Dr. Jasbir Singh Manhas,
Associate Perofessor, Directorate of Extension and Dr. Anil Bhat, Assistant
Professor were repporteurs.
Skilled women are a vehicle of growth: VC SKUAST-Jammu

Four days awareness cum
training programme on Hygienic Milk Production and Value Addition of Milk to the
Farmers of Jammu district concludes at Division of Veterinary & Animal
Husbandry Extension Education, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal
Husbandry, R.S.Pura, SKUAST-Jammu. Prof. (Dr.) B.N. Tripathi, Vice-Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu and Dr. Hema
Tripathi, first Lady of SKUAST-Jammu graced the occasion and interacted with
women trainees.
Prof. Tripathi as the Chief Guest of the valedictory function, said that
the skilled and trained women are a
vehicle of growth and development as the training on ‘Hygienic Milk
Production and Value Addition of Milk’ can help in increasing the shelf-life of milk and will
provide additional income to the dairy farmers. The
awareness programme was organized under HADP Project Entitled “Innovative
extension approaches for revitalizing agricultural extension”
Dr. S.K. Gupta, Director Research,
SKUAST-Jammu and Dr.
Rajesh Katoch, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal
Husbandry, R.S Pura also graced the occasion. Participants were given training
completion certificate and inputs items for hygienic milk production.
. Dr. Pranav
Kumar, Assistant Professor, Div. of Veterinary
and Animal Husbandry Extension Education. F.V.Sc and A.H, R.S Pura and Training Coordinator of this training programme gave special
thanks to Dr. Kamal Sarma, HoD, Div. of VAHEE; Dr. Sunil Kumar, Prof. and Head, Div. of Livestock Products
Technology; and his team of co-coordinators
[Dr. Arvind Kumar (Division of LPT), Dr. Sudhir Kumar (Division of VGO), Dr. A.K
Pathak (Division of ANN), Dr. D. Chakraborty (Division of AGB) and Postgraduate
students namely Dr. Anna Singh and Dr.
Ravneet Kour as well as non-teaching staffs of Veterinary Extension division.
Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu Awarded Life Time Achievement Award by Society of Immunology and Immunopathology

B. N. Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor has been bestowed with Life Time Achievement Award by Society of Immunology and Immunopathology
(SIIP) during International Conference on One Health Initiative: Harmonizing Human, Animal and Environmental Health
(OHI2023) recently organized jointly by SIIP and The Centre for Vaccines and Diagnostic Research and Department of
Biotechnology, GLA University, Mathura. The eminent Jury Panel made a
selection in this regard and decided to present the award to Prof. Tripathi for
his significant contributions in the field of Immunology and Immunopathology at
national and international level. The honour was
conferred by Dr. A. K. Srivastava, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, DUVASU, Mathura
U.P. and Chief Guest during the SIIP’s Annual convention and International
Conference at GLA University, Mathura. Prof. B. N. Tripathi was also invited as
Guest of Honour on the occasion.
The Society for Immunology and Immunopathology, India (SIIP) was established with the aim to provide a forum for its Member to participate in conventions/symposia/workshops/ training etc, and to provide a recent updated literature in the form of journal/newsletter. Its Member include veterinarians, medicos, immunologists and scientists working in the field of Immunology and Immunopathology. The Member belongs to various research institutes, universities and industries from all over the country.
Prof. Tripathi, an FRCPath, is presently Vice-Chancellor of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu, J&K since June 2023. Prof. B. N. Tripathi worked as Deputy Director General (Animal Science) ICAR, GOI, New Delhi and also as Director, ICAR- National Research Centre on Equines, Director, CCS-National Institute of Animal Health, Govt of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Family Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Baghpat. Recipient of many prestigious Fellowship (8 Academics/Society) and Awards at various National and International level, Prof. Tripathi has led to the development of vaccine for Animal Corana Virus (Aucovax) and Lumpy Skin disease for cattle. Dr Tripathi has also published 200 original research papers besides several books, manuals, technical bulletins, policy papers, two National Action Plans (Disease control), 20 technologies (diagnostics & vaccines), and has 10 patents to his credit. He has also visited a number of European countries (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, etc), Denmark, Australia, Japan, Iran and Bhutan for academic, research programmes and also represented Govt of India at various forums outside the country.
SKUAST-Jammu Inks MoU with ICAR-IVRI

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural
Sciences & Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-J) today signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with ICAR-Indian
Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (IVRI). The MoU was exchanged between Dr. B.N. Tripathi,
Vice Chancellor of SKUAST-Jammu and Dr. Triveni Dutt, Director, ICAR-IVRI. Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) located at Izatnagar, Bareilly in Uttar
Pradesh state is an
advanced research facility in the field of veterinary medicine and allied branches. This
collaborative agreement facilitates researchers and scholars to engage
seamlessly in research and educational activities at both institutions. Dr.
B.N. Tripathi, Vice Chancellor of SKUAST-Jammu, highlighted the historical establishment
of SKUAST Jammu on September 20, 1999 to cater to the needs of Jammu region. He
shared that SKUAST-Jammu has previously signed multiple MoUs with foreign
universities, including the Western Sydney University (Australia). Describing
ICAR-IVRI as the Mecca of veterinary medicine, Dr. Tripathi underscored the
invaluable opportunities this MoU will bring for faculty and students to engage
in related fields. Dr. Triveni Dutt, Director of the Institute cum
Vice-Chancellor of IVRI Izatnagar, emphasized the critical need for fostering
collaborations and entering into MoUs with academic institutions. This
collaboration aims to enable the exchange of knowledge and sharing of resources,
thereby propelling IVRI Deemed University onto the global stage. Dr. Dutt
expressed optimism about the possibilities for further cooperation in the
frontier areas of research, teaching, and extension through this agreement with
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu. The purpose of this MoU between the two parties is to provide
a framework for the proposed collaboration for pursuing quality research and
building a new generation of highly skilled human resource, providing entirely
new opportunities for employment and economic development. The exchange of
experience and scientific knowledge between the two institutions will be of
great interest for their mutual progress and also for service of the Society. During
the ceremony, Dr. S. K. Mendiratta, Joint Director (Academic), extended a warm
welcome to all participants. He emphasized that BVSc.& AH internship
students will now have the valuable opportunity to learn from esteemed
institutions such as Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and
Technology (SKUAST Jammu), a multi-campus university.
Prof. B.N. Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu sensitizes P.G & Ph.D. scholars for developing start up ecosystem of young minds through innovative ideas

Professor B.N. Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor,
SKUAST-Jammu chaired an interaction session organized by Agri-Business
Incubator (ABI), SKUAST-J, a unit of division of Agricultural Economics &
Agri-Business Management with all the PG & Ph.D. scholars of SKUAST-J for sensitizing the young minds towards
joining the start up ecosystem of the country by becoming agri-entrepreneurs.
Since his joining the University, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor has taken a lot
of initiatives in making the university a hub of start-up activities through
its incubation centre and sow the seeds of entrepreneurship among young students,
faculty members & research scholars. He enlightened the gathering that merely
acquiring a degree on a piece of paper is not enough in the world’s fastest growing
economy. Atmanirbhar Bharat is the tag line for making India a global hub of production
and innovation and as such this is the time for innovative and skill induced
education. Govt. and corporate sector may act as a supplementary source for job
creation but they have their limitations owing to rising population and
education levels. Prof. Tripathi, hence, exhorted the students to develop a
critical and creative thinking attitude so that they can identify the problems
prevalent in the agriculture sector and develop innovative solutions that can be
transformed into a profitable and sustainable business venture. He assured the
students that ABI, SKUAST-J shall provide complete handholding to potential
agri-entrepreneurs for taking their innovations from lab to the market. Keeping
in line with the mandate of the New Education Policy, Prof. Tripathi also
directed the Deans of all faculties to hold regular brain storming and group
discussion sessions amongst the students that shall be of great help in
churning out novel and innovative ideas. He further informed that the best of
such ideas shall be given complete hand-holding, mentorship and robust support
by ABI, SKUAST-J for upscaling and commercialization. The Hon’ble Vice
Chancellor also appreciated the role of Prof. Jyoti Kachroo, Head AEABM &
I/c, ABI, SKUAST-J along-with her team for her contribution towards ushering in
an agri-entrepreneurship environment in the campus. Prof. Tripathi freely
interacted with all the P.G & Ph.D. students & scholars and keenly
listened to their views, problems and suggestions related to development of agri-entrepreneurship
in the University. The HVC assured that he would look into each and every one
of their concerns & suggestions and try to incorporate the same based on
their merits.
Earlier, Prof. Jyoti Kachroo, Head, Division of AEABM and I/c
ABI, SKUAST-Jammu formally welcomed the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and all the
academic and administrative officers along-with the PG & Ph.D. students of
the University. She briefed the august gathering about the constructive role
being played by A.B.I, SKUAST-J in the training & development of innovative
agri start-ups in the region under the RKVY-RAFTAAR project of MoA & FW,
GoI. She also outlined that 6 batches of agri-entrepreneurs have already been
incubated at ABI, SKUAST-J and funding to the tune of Rs. 2.33 crores in total
has been sanctioned in favor of 21 incubates. The meeting was attended by senior
academic and administrative staff of the University namely Dr. Rajinder Peshin,
Director Education, Dr. Sanjay Kher, Director Planning & Monitoring, Dr.
Anil Sharma, Dean FoA, Dr. Rajesh Katoch, Dean FVSc. & AH, Dr. Vikas
Tandon, Dean FoH & AF, Dr. Sudhakar Dwivedi, Dean Students Welfare
along-with heads of all departments and senior faculty members. The proceedings
of the event were conducted by Dr. Yamini Raut & Mr. Tarunjeet Singh from
ABI, SKUAST-J under the guidance of Dr. S.P Singh, Assoc. Prof; Division of
AEABM and ably supported by Dr. Sabbey Sharma, Asstt. Prof. (C), Division of
AEABM. At the end, formal vote of thanks
was presented by Dr. Sudhakar Dwivedi thanking all the distinguished
dignitaries for their valuable time & participation.
SKUAST-Jammu Conducted 10th RIC Meeting under RKVY-RAFTAAR Project

Vice Chancellor SKUAST-J Chaired FAD 32 Meeting of BIS

One Week Training Programme on “Empowering Agriculture Students with Digital Tools and Resources” begins at SKUAST-Jammu

World Soil Day celebrated at SKUAST-J Conserve Soil for sustainable agriculture

Jammu,05th December, 2023
SKUAST Jammu inks MoU with University of Western Australia, Perth

Perth, Australia, November, 24
A delegation led by Vice Chancellor SKUAST -Jammu, Prof. B. N. Tripathi visited University of Western Australia and entered into MoU for forging academic and research collaboration. Discussions between the two institutions were held to work out modalities for mutually beneficial relationship. The research areas mutually agreed upon were plant biotechnology, economics & agribusinesses, precision agriculture, horticulture, rumen microbiology, stress management in animals, plant physiology, soil science & biochemistry. Both the universities agreed to workout the modalities for academic associations, faculty visits & students dual degree programme. The fields identified were plant breeding and genetics, Natural Resource Management (NRM) & plant production. The Australian delegation led by Prof. Amit Chakma, Vice-Chancellor included Prof. Kadambot Siddique, Director, Prof. Phil Vercoe & Mr. B. Moncrieff whereas Indian delegation headed by Prof. B. N. Tripathi, Vice-Chancellor included Prof. B. C. Sharma, Dean, FoA Prof. M.S. Bhadwal, Dean FVSc& Prof S. K. Gupta, Dean, FoH&F. The Indian delegation also visited state of art facilities at Shenton Park field station, center for microscopy, characterization and analysis, ARC center for Plant Energy Biology, besides high tech horticulture facilities like glass houses and growth chambers for agriculture & horticulture crops.
Prof. B. N. Tripathi, Vice -Chancellor, SKUAST -Jammu leads delegation to the University of Melbourne

Australia, November, 22
High Level SKUAST- Jammu delegation visits Western Sydney University, Australia

SKUAST-J organizes ZREAC meeting

University Vice Chancellors Badminton Tournament organised at SKUAST-Jammu

continuation to celebration of Fit India Movement and Azadi ka Amrit
Mahotsav and to inculcate health
consciousness among faculty and students
Dean student Welfare under the
able guidance of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu Prof. B.N. Tripathi
Organised, ‘Vice Chancellors Badminton Tournament-2023’ at sports complex of
SKUAST-Jammu from 17th of October to 19th of October,
2023. In the tournament overall 150 players participated in different
events. under the category of students
girls singles titles was won by Liza wheras, Itakshi was the runners up , in
the doubles event in same category Liza and Fiza Kazmi won the title and damini
and Parvi were runners up. In boys category single title was won by Hansraj
Yadav and Gurtez Singh was the runners up doubles the
pair Hansraj Yadav and Priyatam won the
title whereas Sourabh and Akshit was the runners up. In the category of Faculty
Dr Sushmita won the Single title while Anshita was the runners up. In men’s
category the pair of Dr Akhil and Dr Susheel won the doubles titles in the same
Dr P K Rai and Dr Puneet Choudhary was
the runners up. in Mens single title was won by Dr Susheel Sharma.
the prize distribution ceremony Prof Rajesh Katoch Dean Student Welfare welcomes Hon’ble Vice chancellor who was the chief
guest and thanked the authorities for extending all possible facilities for
organisation of this event. On the occasion HVC praised the efforts of Dean
Students welfare for organising such events in the university. Vice Chancellor
also appreciate all participants for making their presence in such events. HVC
stressed upon the students in particular to participate in all sports events to
keep themselves fit and healthy. Organisation committee of this event comprised
of Dr Subhash C Kashyap NSS Coordinator, Dr Arvinder Singh , Dr Susheel Sharma,
Dr Suhmita, Dr Kawardeep Kour, Dr Aditi lal Koul, Dr Nomita Laishram, Er. Kewal Raina, Kuldeep Manhas and Neeraj Gupta
besides PG and UG students. the function culminated with the vote of thanks by
Dean Student welfare and serving of snacks among players.
SKUAST-J signed MOU with Narsingh Seva Kendra

A Memorandum
of Understanding has been signed today between Sher-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Chatha and Narsingh Seva Kendra (NSK), Village Khoon, Udhampur
district, under the esteemed supervision of
Prof. B.N. Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of SKUAST-Jammu, with the
objective to promote natural and organic
farming, dairy farming and other allied agricultural activities in the area of
Research and Extension.
The MOU was signed by Dr. S.K. Gupta,
Director Extension, SKUAST-Jammu and Vikram Gujral, President of Narsingh Seva
Kendra, Khoon, Udhampur, in presence of Raman Suri Vice President NSK, Naresh
Gupta Treasurer and others members of NSK namely, Surinder Mohan, Sanjeev
Sharma, S.K. Sethi, Jagdish Langar, Dr. Sanjay Kaushal, Dr. Narender Panotra
and Om Parkash, President Gau Seva Samiti, Mandli. The representative of
SKUAST-Jammu who participated included Dr. R.K. Samnotra Director Research, Dr.
S.K. Gupta, Registrar, Dr. M.S. Bhadwal Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences
and Animal Husbandry, Dr. Mahital Jamwal, Associate Director Research.
SKUAST-Jammu is a
multi-campus university with its headquarter located at Chatha, Jammu. The
University is mandated to address the basic, strategies and applied research
and extension of technologies related to enhanced production in agriculture;
Horticulture & Forestry; Agricultural Engineering; Basic Sciences;
Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry and Dairy Technology. The University
has 10 Research Stations/Sub Stations and 09 Krishi Vigyan Kendras located in
different agro climatic zones of Jammu and is developing high standards of
excellence in education, research and extension for the betterment of farming
community, whereas, Narsingh Seva
Kendra, Khoon is a unit of Shri Narsingh Go Seva
Samiti, Mandli, Kathua and is engaged in Gauseva activities and
extend its service area by developing constructive programmes for the education
and self-reliance of the farming community by disseminating the knowledge and
skills for promoting entrepreneurship in agriculture.
Through this MOU, SKUAST-J and NSK
will coordinate in the areas of mutual interest, especially development and
demonstration of advanced technologies
for farmers’ benefits, entrepreneurship development and business management.
Dissemination of successful technologies through training and demonstration
would also be undertaken with both long term and short term goals, keeping in
view the interests of farmers, startups and entrepreneurs of Jammu and Kashmir
regions. This agreement will promote establishment of
dairy farms, mushroom cultivation, high density orcharding, demonstration units
of crops, farmer training centres and Yoga Training Centres for providing
firsthand experience to the farming community and unemployed youth. During his address, Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu
Prof. B.N. Tripathi ensured full technical support from the University to
Narsingh Seva Kendra for the benefit of farming community of the region.
A formal vote of thanks was extended
by Dr. Mahital Jamwal, Associate Director Research.
SKUAST Jammu students selected for Internship at Western Sydney University, Australia under NAHEP

Nine students from SKUAST Jammu will
be visiting Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia for a two-month long
internship under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and World
Bank sponsored National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP). The
students today met the Honorable Vice Chancellor of SKUAST Jammu, Dr. B. N.
Tripathi. He congratulated the students for their commendable performance in
the selection process and wished them the best of luck in their upcoming
academic endeavours at WSU. He said that he is confident that the students will
make the institution proud and bring back a wealth of knowledge and experience
to share with their peers upon their return.He provided them with the tips of
how to best utilize the opportunity as well as how to interact with their
colleagues at WSU. The students thanked the Vice Chancellor for the opportunity
and conveyed their excitement at the opportunity. The selected students will
embark on this enriching journey to WSU, further expanding their horizons and
contributing to their personal and academic growth. The internships is a
opportunity for these bright minds to engage in cutting-edge agricultural technology,
gain international exposure, and establish invaluable connections. The students
belonged to Faculty of Agriculture and School of Biotechnology of SKUAST Jammu.
Dr. B.C. Sharma, Dean, Agriculture and Dr. S. K. Gupta, Registrar were also
present. Prof. Vikas Sharma, coordinator of the NAHEP earlier introduced the
students and apprised the administration about the internship programme. He
apprised that students will be exposed to hands on training along with academic
lectures covering modern aspects of agriculture, including digital tools in
agriculture, automation and AI, climate change, protected cultivation etc.
SKUAST- Jammu organized Seminar on Critical Stress Management

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu organized an important seminar on the crucial topic of Critical Stress Management through Positive Thinking, Scientific Meditation, and Stress Coping on October 13, 2023 under the dynamic leadership of Prof. B. N. Tripathi, Honorable Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu and Chief Patron of the event. This event brought together a distinguished group of speakers and dignitaries. The seminar featured well-known individuals from the world of academia and healthcare.The seminar began with an opening address from Dr. B. N Tripathi, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu who spoke about the critical issue of stress and the Crucial Role of sound Sleep for Managing Mental Health. He also expounded on the challenges and stress that students commonly face during their academic journey. Some of the notable speakers included Dr. J. P Sharma, Former Vice Chancellor of SKUAST J Dr. Mohit Gupta, Professor of Cardiology at GB Pant Hospital in New Delhi and Dr. Amitash Ojha, Assistant Professor at IIT Jammu. Prof. J. P Sharma spoke on Happiness is Happening and shared valuable insights on stress management and achieving happiness, offering practical strategies that attendees could apply in their . He said Stress management is the key to unlocking the door to happiness, as it empowers individuals to navigate life challenges with resilience and embrace a more content and fulfilling existence. Dr. Mohit Gupta followed with an enlightening discussion Seven Transformation that will Change your Life forever. He elaborated on stress management, scientific meditation, and effective ways to cope with stress and said Stress management is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health, with scientific meditation offering a powerful tool to reduce stress. He was of the view that effective coping strategies, such as exercise, mindfulness, and seeking support, help individuals navigate life challenges with resilience and composure. Dr. Amitash Ojha spoke on the topic Not who, but who are you and through his candid sharing of personal experiences with stress, he made a profound contribution to the seminar discussions. He skillfully delved into various facets of stress, impact on individuals and strategies for managing it effectively. Earlier, Dr. Vikas Sharma, Prof. & Head, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry and PI, NAHEP-IDP welcomed all the dignitaries and guests. Following this, a ceremonial lighting of the lamps marked the auspicious beginning of the event. All the statutory officers of the university were also present on the occasion. Also the seminar received enthusiastic participation from the faculty members and students of SKUAST Jammu, underscoring the university commitment to addressing and managing critical stress-related challenges in today world. This event was a significant step in fostering knowledge and strategies for dealing with stress and promoting overall well-being. The proceedings of the seminar were conducted by Dr. Vivek M Arya, Associate Professor & Organizing Secretary and vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Sanku Borkataki, Organizing Secretary of the seminar.
G20 University Connect Programme at SKUAST-Jammu

SKUAST Jammu organised
G 20 Lecture series for engaging Young minds. The agenda
for lecture series was on G 20 Indias Presidency, Agriculture issues in G 20
and sustainable agriculture for resilient Agri Food System with Climate Smart
Approach, Prize distribution of Pre event activities. The event marked a
significant gathering of dignitaries, experts, and students, fostering a
dynamic exchange of ideas aimed at advancing global understanding in areas
crucial to sustainable development.
The event was honored
to have Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra as, a distinguished figure in the field, as the
chief guest. Dr. Mohapatra delivered a captivating lecture on the theme of “Sustainable
Agriculture and Resilient food systems.” His insights shed light on the
importance of climate-smart approaches in ensuring the future of agriculture
and food security.
Dr. B N Tripathi,
Vice-Chancellor of SKUAST Jammu and Chairman of G 20 University Connect
Programme at SKUAST Jammu, concluded the series of eminent speakers by
reflecting on the occasion. Dr. Tripathi expressed pride in the universitys pioneering
role in hosting this significant event. He underscored the need for sustainable
agriculture and tapped into the regions potential as a top producer of walnuts,
apples, and saffron. His speech resonated with the audience, emphasizing the
importance of a collaborative approach.
Sanjay Bhattacharya,
the former Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs, India, gave a special
lecture on G20 Indian presidency. Mr. Bhattacharya delved into the
transformative era India is undergoing, positioning the country as a key player
in the global economy. He provided intricate details about the G20s evolution
from addressing economic crises to shaping a multitude of global initiatives.
Bhattacharya insights underscored the significance of G20, which represents 2/3rd
of the worlds population, 85% of the GDP, and 75% of trade. He emphasized the
G20s pillars, including energy transition, digital transformation, climate
funds, and accelerating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Dr. Smita Sirohi,
Joint Secretary (G-20) in the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare,
Government of India, contributed to the discourse by discussing the moral
obligations that accompany G20 commitments. She highlighted Indias vital food
programs like the POSHAN scheme and advocated for fortification, reducing food
losses, and a comprehensive "one health" approach.
Dr. RC Agarwal, Deputy
Director General (Education) ICAR, in his address, lauded the significance of
youth in shaping the future and acknowledged the increasing engagement of girls
in the agricultural sector.
Prof Rajinder Peshin, the coordinator of the G20
programme, welcome and presented a report on Pre event student activities
during the G 20 University connect Programme by SKUAST Jammu.An awards function
recognized student achievements in various pre-event activities, including
poster-making, essay writing, quiz, ideation, and rangoli competitions. The
winners showcased their creativity and dedication across these diverse
categories. In the poster-making competition, Yashvi Sharma, a student from the
Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-Jammu secured the first position, while in the
essay writing competition, Gurner Kaur a student from GDC RS Pura claimed the
top spot. GDC for Women Bhagwatinagar emerged as the quiz champion, and in the
Ideathon, a veterinary student from SKUAST Jammu secured the first prize.
Faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-Jammu triumphed in the rangoli competition.
Following the
lectures, Dr. Rohit,Saini Fellow Research and Information System for developing
countries, initiated a dynamic question-and-answer session, providing students
an opportunity to interact directly with the esteemed guests and deepen their
understanding of the discussed topics.
The event drew to a
close with a heartfelt vote of thanks, extended by Dr. S K Gupta, Registrar,
SKUAST-Jammu expressing gratitude to all participants, dignitaries, and
contributors who made the event a resounding success. The closing note was
marked by a spirited rendition of the national anthem, symbolizing unity and
shared aspirations.
Quiz Competition and Ideathon Under G20 University Connect at SKUAST JAMMU


Vanmahotsava, the festival of tree
planting was celebrated by the Division of Silviculture & Agroforestry, Faculty
of Horticulture & Forestry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural
Sciences and Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-Jammu) in collaboration with Central
Reserve Police Force-160 BN, and NAHEP-IDP, SKUAST-Jammu at Main Campus, Chatha
on 26th of July, 2023. The plantation drive was initiated by Dr. B. N.
Tripathi, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu, the Chief Guest of the occasion, by
planting a Rudraksh sapling. Sh. Rakesh
Sethi, DIGP Range Jammu, Central Reserve Police Force was the Guest of Honour
on the occasion, accompanied by Sh. Hari om Khare, Commandant CRPF 160 BN. The
chief guest while addressing the officers, faculty members, students and CRPF
personals stressed that trees throughout our existence have helped in sustaining
life on earth. Highlighting the importance of tree plantation programmes, he
emphasized that Vanmahotasav creates awareness about the importance of trees in
our society and portrays the need for planting and tending of trees, as they are
one of the best ways to prevent global warming and reduce pollution.Sh. Rakesh
Sethi, DIGP Range Jammu, CRPF, the guest of honour, informed the gathering that
this plantation is a part of Nationwide Tree Plantation drive and highlighted
the importance of trees in the Indian culture. Sh. Hari om Khare, Commandant
CRPF 160 BN was also present on the occasion. All the dignitaries, statutory
officers of the University, Officers of the Central Reserve Police Force,
Faculty members, Non-teaching staff, CRPF personals and students took part in tree
plantation. The event was coordinated by Dr Sandeep Sehgal, Professor and Head,
Division of Silviculture and Agroforestry, SKUAST-Jammu and Nodal Officer,
High End Skilling Workshop on Modern Analytical Techniques in Food Biochemistry Concludes at SKUAST-Jammu

days High End Skilling Workshop on Modern Analytical Techniques in Food
Biochemistry sponsored under Vigyan Accelerate Karyashala Scheme of DST-SERB organized
from 4th to 13th July, 2023 concluded at Division of
Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences SKUAST-Jammu. Dr. B. N. Tripathi, Hon’ble
Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu
was the Chief Guest during the Valedictory function. In his address, Dr. Tripathi stressed upon the importance of Modern Analytical Techniques in Food Biochemistry to know the nutritional
status of any food item. He congratulated the
organizers for meticulously selecting and training students on such an
important area of science. He further said that these techniques are more
relevant in present day health conscious society. Dr. Tripathi was of the
opinion that the science is moving fast and both scientists and students need
to remain acquainted with the emerging new high end technologies. He emphasized
upon the students to look for entrepreneurship opportunities in the area of
food technology to become self reliant budding entrepreneurs. Hon’ble Vice
Chancellor suggested scientists to work on the basic scientific aspects of food
science as food is the lifeline. Earlier, Dr. S.E.H. Rizvi, Dean, Faculty of
Basic Sciences welcomed the guests and appraised the house about the activities
and research work being carried out in the faculty. He hoped that the students have
immensely benefitted from the workshop as this had provided them opportunities
for exposure to hands-on skill on Modern Analytical Techniques in Biochemistry.
Dr. Moni Gupta, Professor, Biochemistry and Course Director of the workshop presented
the detailed report of the workshop and the topics covered during the ten days
of training programme. Twenty students from different institutes and
Universities of India including DCRUST, Murthal; SVPUAT, Meerut; MDS
University, Rohtak; CCHU, Hissar; Bharthiar University, Coimbatore; CSIR- IIIM,
Jammu; University of Jammu and SKUAST-Jammu participated in this high end
skilling workshop. During the workshop twenty nine lectures and hands on
practical sessions were delivered by experts from different institutes
including University of Technology, Malaysia; PAU, Ludhiana; University of
Mysuru, Mysore; CSIR- IIM; University of Jammu and SKUAST-Jammu. During the
workshop, the students visited premier institutes in and around Jammu for
exposure to modern analytical techniques in Food Biochemistry. Certificates of
participation were distributed to the participants. Statutory officers, Head of
the Divisions, faculty members were also present on the occasion. The event was
coordinated by Dr. Upma Dutta, Course Coordinator of the workshop. Vote of
thanks was presented by Dr. Sanjay Guleria, Prof. & Head, Division of
Biochemistry. Proceedings of the program were conducted by Dr. Sachin Gupta,
Professor and Course Coordinator of the workshop.
Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu interacts with Vet Faculty & Students

Dr. B. N. Tripathi, Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu Addresses Faculty Members

Non-teaching staff is an important pillar of the University: Vice Chancellor SKUAST-Jammu

Dr. B. N. Tripathi, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu addressed the non-teaching staff of the University at the Main campus, Chatha. At the onset, Dr. S.K. Gupta, Registrar of the University welcomed the Vice chancellor and hoped that the University will reach new heights under his patronage and leadership. He highlighted the role of non-teaching staff in the functioning of the university. He assured that all the possible help shall be rendered to the staff under rules to address their genuine demands regarding promotion, transfer policies etc. He appealed the staff to take pledge for working with dedication so that the ranking of the University gets improved and it becomes a brand. He stressed upon the need for increasing revenue by the different constituents of the University and asked the non-teaching staff to work with zeal to achieve the goals. During the interaction meeting, the non teaching staff also raised the issues of adoption of transfer policy, conduct of regular refresher courses and conduct of DPC on regular basis. He informed the house that recruitment process shall soon start at the University. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. S.K. Gupta, Registrar of the University.
SKUAST-J encourages students to become job creators

Dr. B. N. Tripathi, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu today urged Agriculture students to become job creators and not Job Seekers, Addressing the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of the University at the Main campus, Chatha, he enlightened them with the remarkable transformation journey of agriculture in India, highlighting the progress of the nation from a country with insufficient food to a self-sufficient and even exporting agricultural produce. The credit for this achievement, he emphasized, goes to the dedicated efforts of agricultural scientists who have developed numerous crop varieties, technologies and thus significantly increased the production. He underlined that the agricultural development in India serves as a valuable lesson for the world. The work of Indian agricultural scientists has gained recognition globally and their contributions are acknowledged by the entire world. He stressed the importance of self-reliance, referring to the concept of “Atmanirbhar Bharat” (self-reliant India). To address these challenges and ensure food security, Dr. Tripathi emphasised the significance of precision agriculture technology. He was of the opinion that by integrating research and technology; agricultural production can be increased while promoting sustainability. He stressed upon the students to live upto the vision of making the university the best research institute and highlighted the importance of enhancing research and education. Dr. Tripathi assured the students that the university would work tirelessly day and night to achieve excellence. The Vice Chancellor also touched upon the importance of placement cells in the university, encouraging students to actively participate in campus selection processes and not solely rely on job opportunities. He emphasized the need for students to compete in exams such as the NET Agricultural Research Service (ARS) etc and to foster an entrepreneurial mindset. Dr. Tripathi encouraged the students to aspire to be job creators rather than job seekers and emphasized the limitless possibilities available to them. Furthermore, he advised Dean Students’ Welfare (DSW) to organize interactions with renowned professionals from various fields to provide students with opportunities to learn from experts in their respective domains. Dr. Tripathi assured the students of providing adequate facilities to ensure that their research and education thrive without hindrance.
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences & A.H, SKUAST-J, celebrates World Zoonoses Day 2023

Dr. B.N Tripathi, Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu inaugurated the World Zoonoses Day, 2023 as the Chief Guest at Faculty of Veterinary Sciences & A.H, R S Pura in the presence of Brig. J.S. Dharmadheeran, CEO, Brook India as guest of honour, and Dr. M.S. Bhadwal, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry. In his address, he informed the gathering that World Zoonosis Day is observed on July 6th every year to raise awareness about zoonotic diseases and their impact on human and animal health. He further said that the primary goal of World Zoonosis Day is to educate people about the risks associated with zoonotic diseases and promote measures to prevent their spread. It aims to highlight the importance of collaboration between human and animal health sectors, as well as environmental agencies, in addressing zoonotic threats.Zoonotic diseases can have significant public health implications, causing illness, death, and economic losses. Many of these diseases originate in animals and can be transmitted to humans through various means, including direct contact, consumption of contaminated food or water, or exposure to vectors like mosquitoes and ticks. Brig. (Dr.) J.S. Dharamadheeran, CEO, Brooke India, emphasized on the theme for the celebration of this year’s World Zoonoses Day, “One World, One Health: Prevent Zoonoses, Stop the Spread”. He said that this day plays a vital role in safeguarding public health and fostering a One Health approach, which recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health by promoting awareness and knowledge about zoonotic diseases. Dr. M.A. Malik, Prof. & Head, Division of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology, presented thematic talk on the topic ‘Zoonoses: An overview’. Dr. Rajesh Katoch, DSW, SKUAST-J, Dr. J.S. Soodan, Dean, Faculty of Dairy Technology, all HoD’s, Faculty members and students of F.V.Sc& A.H attended the celebration of World Zoonoses Day. Dr. H.K Sharma, Prof. Division of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology, conducted the proceeding and extended the vote of thanks