Contact Details
Dr. R K Samnotra
University Librarian
Central Library, FOA, Chatha
University Librarian Central Library, Main Campus, Chatha – 180009
University Library, FVSc & AH, R.S.Pura
Assistant Librarian
University Library, FVSc & AH, R.S.Pura

Library services are witnessing radical changes world over and accessibility and instant retrieval of information is the main focus. The University has two libraries i) the Central Library, at the main campus Chatha and ii) Faculty Library, to cater the need of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry at R. S. Pura campus. Both the libraries have open access and are housed in their respective modern and spacious buildings. The Central Library is a modern three storey glazed building having 6222 sq. meter area and has come up at the construction cost is Rs. 945 lakhs. It was inaugurated by the then Chief Minister of J&K, Sh. Ghulam Nabi Azad, on 12th November, 2007. Library functions and requirements have been kept in view while planning and equipping it. For the benefit of handicapped persons and for a speedy carriage of books from one floor to another, provision of lift has been provided. The office staff working area has been separated from the reading area so that library staff could work during odd hours or holidays without disturbing the routine working of the readers services. In addition, separate "Leisure Reading Hall" has been provided for the readers to enable them to take inside their own reading material for preparing their personal notes and seminars etc., where they can sit separated from the other reading areas of the library. To increase calmness and to provide natural light sky windows have been provided with appropriate cut-out through all floors. The reading area has been provided with wooden flooring to reduce noise and to keep the temperature normal. The entry to the library has been planned through the first floor as it reduces noise and dust problem and readers can approach the other reading sections comfortable avoiding fatigue. The main reading area has been proposed to be centrally air conditioned. The floor wise arrangement is as follows
Ground Floor
- Leisure Reading Area
- Text Book& Reference Reading Hall
- E-Studio
- Technical, Acquisition & Binding Section
- News-papers Reading Lounge
- Information Technology Cell
First Floor
- Librarian’s Office
- Conference Room
- Circulation Section
- Self Check in/Check out section
- Buffer Lobby, Waiting Lounge & Display Area, OPAC Terminals
- General Reading Hall & Stack Area for books, OPAC Terminals
- IT Division & Computer Services for controlling session of conferences, seminars at national land International level.
- Property Room
- Visitors’ Room
Second Floor
- Reference Reading Hall
- Current Periodicals Section
- Bound Periodicals Section
- Theses & Reports Section
Online Library System
E-resources consist of E-Books and e-journals through Consortium of e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) providing access to about 4000 e-journals, complete J-gate providing metadata platform indexing of 49000 plus journals including 27000 plus full text journals. 625 e-books related to agriculture and allied subjects have been made available through CABI platforms. On line access to e-recourses has been made available to all the scientists and students through NKN. Remote access is also being provided to students, scholars and faculty members for making full utilization of the facilities created in our Library. Library is guided by Library Advisory Committee. Teaching and learning process is adopting e-learning systems and internet has emerged as a powerful, widely acceptable and affordable medium of information communication. In order to serve the readers effectively, specialized functional sections such as Acquisition Section, Periodical Section and Reference and Computer Services Section, Technical Processing Section, Circulation Section, Reader Services Section, Rental and Documentation Section are being initiated