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List of MoUs signed between SKUAST-J and other Institutes
S.No. Name of the Institute Website Links
1. Cornell University, Ithaca http://www.cornell.edu
2. NDRI, Karnal www.ndri.res.in
3. IARI, New Delhi www.iari.res.in
4. CSKHPKV, Palampur www.hillagric.ac.in
5. ICAR-IHBT, Palampur http://www.ihbt.res.in
6. Directorate of Sheep Husbandry, Jammu http://jkash.nic.in
7. IUST, Kashmir www.islamicuniversity.edu.in
8. ICRISAT, Hyderabad http://www.icrisat.org
9. NBAIM, Mau Nath Bhanjan (UP) http://nbaim.org.in
10. IPFT, Gurgaon http://www.ipft.gov.in
11. VPKAS, Almora http://www.vpkas.nic.in
12. IGFRI, Jhansi http://www.igfri.res.in
14. IIHR, Bangalore http://www.iihr.ernet.in
15. BGBSU, Rajouri http://www.bgsbuniversity.org
16. PAU, Ludhiana http://www.pau.edu
17. National Research Centre on Litchi, Muzaffapur (Bihar) http://nrclitchi.org
18. CIPHET, Ludhiana http://www.ciphet.in
19. NRC on Equines, Hisar http://nrce.nic.in
20. SMVDU, Katra http://smvdu.net.in
21. SFRI, J&K http://jksfri.nic.in