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  1. Division of Agronomy

    • Fortification of agricultural residues and their utilization.
    • Crop management technologies in relation to climate change.
  2. Division of Agricultural Economics & Agri-Business Management

    • Production economics of agri-horti crops.
    • Analysis of agricultural produce marketing.
  3. Division of Agricultural Engineering

    • Farm mechanization in hill agriculture.
    • Farm machinery testing and evaluation.
    • Designing of rainwater harvesting structures.
  4. Division of Agro-forestry

    • Standardization of Propagation techniques of multipurpose trees.
    • Production package for major medicinal aromatic crops.
  5. Division of Plant Breeding & Genetics

    • Genetic upgradation of Basmati Rice.
    • Breeding wheat for drought tolerance.
    • Development of canola varieties in Brassica oil seeds.
  6. Division of Soil Science

    • Soil fertility mapping.
    • Targeted yield approach to nutrient application.
    • Biofertilizer Research & Development.
  7. Division of Entomology

    • Apiculture: Queen rearing, bee flora studies, pesticides residues analysis of honey.
    • Bio agents for pest control.
    • Integrated Pest Management.
  8. Division of Vegetable Sciences & Floriculture

    • Development of high yielding varieties of selected vegetables of Jammu Region.
    • High tech vegetable nursery.
    • Organic vegetable production.
  9. Division of Plant Pathology

    • Biopesticides for disease management.
    • Integrated Disease Management.
    • Disease forecasting.
  10. Division of Fruit Science

    • High-density plantation in fruit crops.
    • Identification and development of improved varieties.
  11. Division of Food Science & Technology

    • Processing and value addition.
  12. Division of Sericulture

    • Silkworm rearing technology.
    • Agro-techniques for mulberry cultivation.
  13. Division of Extension Education

    • Impact & process evaluation of the research & development programs (Research projects & Extension programs) of agriculture & allied in Jammu division.
    • Diffusion research and information source utilization.


  1. Division of Live Stock Products Technology

    • Development of functional meat products
    • Entrepreneurship in livestock products
  2. Division of Animal Nutrition

    • Formulation of animal feed using local plant resources
    • Development of supplementary animal feeds through fodder preservation
  3. Division of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education

    • Documentation and validation of indigenous technological knowledge
    • Impact analysis of transferred technologies
  4. Division of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology

    • Toxic manifestation of pesticides and their modulation of animal resources
    • Bio prospecting of medicinal plants for animal health
    • Standardization of dosage regimen in small ruminants
  5. Division of Veterinary Anatomy

    • Anatomical profiling of Bakerwali Goat
  6. Division of Livestock Production & Management

    • Optimization of livestock housing for better production
    • Popularization of backyard poultry and fish farming
  7. Division of Veterinary Pathology

    • Pathological studies of livestock
  8. Division of Veterinary Parasitology

    • Parasitic Zoonosis
    • Diagnosis and management of parasites
  9. Division of Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry

    • Physiological responses of livestock in relation to climate change
    • Low cost molecular diagnostics for animals
  10. Division of Veterinary Gynecology & Obstetrics

    • Hormonal implant for stress induction
    • Embryo transfer technology for upgradation of livestock breeds
  11. Division of Veterinary Medicine

    • Production and metabolic disorders
    • Epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases
  12. Division of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology

    • Standardization of surgical techniques
    • Diagnosis of diseases through imaging techniques
  13. Division of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology

    • Zoonotic diseases in relation to human health
  14. Division of Teaching & Veterinary Clinical Complex

    • Advanced diagnostic facility
    • Backstopping of field functionaries for disease diagnosis
    • Mobile diagnostic facility
  15. Division of Animal Genetics & Breeding

    • Molecular characterization of livestock
    • Candidate gene isolation for disease resistance in livestock
  16. Division of Veterinary Microbiology

    • Molecular diagnosis of microbial diseases


  1. Division of Statistics & Computer Science

    • Basic and strategic research in sampling theory and statistical modeling
  2. Division of Bio-Chemistry

    • Biochemical and molecular studies of climate change effects on plant health nutritional quality and yield attributes.
    • Biochemical prospecting of plant/microbes for antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activities.
  3. Division of Plant Physiology

    • Physiological evaluation of crops under climate change
  4. Division of Microbiology

    • Identification of beneficial residential microbes