Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat
The Vice-Chancellor's Secretariat at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-Jammu) plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning and efficient operation of the University. It supports the Vice-Chancellor in the implementation of policies, decisions, and strategies for the overall development and progress of the institution. The Secretariat acts as a hub for communication, coordination, and execution of various administrative and academic activities. It assists in the management of monitoring of University activities and initiatives. The Vice-Chancellor's Secretariat also facilitates effective communication between the Vice-Chancellor and other departments, faculty members, staff, and external stakeholders. It is responsible for maintaining records, handling official correspondence, scheduling meetings, and organizing events of significance. By providing efficient administrative support, the Vice-Chancellor's Secretariat contributes significantly to the advancement and success of SKUAST-Jammu in its mission to promote agricultural sciences and technology.
Roles & Responsibilities of Vice Chancellor
- The Vice-Chancellor is the Principal executive and academic officer of the University and ex-officio Chairman of the Board and of the Academic Council.
- The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise general control over the affairs of the University and is responsible for due maintenance of discipline in the University.
- The Vice-Chancellor shall ensure faithful observance of the provisions of this Act and Statutes and the Regulations.
- The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for the proper administration of the affairs of the University and for a close coordinationand integration of teaching, research and extension education.
SKUAST-Jammu, Chatha-180009
Contact no. : 0191-2263714, 2262073(fax)
Email :- vc@skuast.org, vcskuastjammu@gmail.com