Chiseling of human resource for employment and higher education requires a phenomenal change in the dispensation of current Career and Technical Education (CTE). This paradigm shift is due to curtailment in the decision making incubation as consequences of the availability of new world high-speed communications and information. Consequently, to pave way to success in the modern day competition only professional degrees or similar credentials are not sufficient and therefore additional qualifications of rapid decision making and efficient social skills are essential. The employability in new era gets boost with some skill beyond the narrow job tasks focused on in historical CTE programs. Therefore, in the present time, as well as in times to come, it is not training for specific job that is considered necessary by the industry or scientific field, but effective decision making, problem solving capacity or attitude, finding answer and depicting a variety of disciplines and cultural contexts to make sense out of change, challenges and daily based operations at workplace are additionally looked for.
To produce human resource with above explicated attribute by any institution warrants innovative and exemplary CTE program. Accordingly, reformation in the program is taking place through the infusion of career planning throughout the entire curriculum related to real world environment and preparing graduates for both work place and continued education.
The Career Counseling and Placement Cell (CC&PC) of the university is striving to value add the graduates beyond the professional knowledge and prepare them to face the competitive world with confidence and required mettle. Criticism (good or bad), suggestions, and information about any of the mandated jobs of the CC&PC by any stake holders like: teachers, administrators, students, parents of the students, professionals, or any member of the civil society for improvisation of functioning of the cell are ardently welcomed.
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