
𝑺𝒉𝒆𝒓-𝒆-𝑲𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒎𝒊𝒓 𝑼𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒈𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍
𝑺𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑱𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒖

Name of the Institute From Years Website Link
ICAR –VPKAS, Almora23.11.2020 5 years "https://vpkas.icar.gov.in/"
NCDC, New Delhi 02.12.2020 5 years "https://ncdc.mohfw.gov.in/"
ICAR-IISR, Indore 15.12.2020 10 years "https://iisrindore.icar.gov.in/"
IMD, Delhi 03.02.2021 5 years "https://mausam.imd.gov.in/delhiums/"
Kissan Gurukul 05.02.2021 Open "https://kissangurukul.com/about/"
ICAR-DMR, Shimla 12.02.2021 10 years "https://dmrsolan.icar.gov.in/"
SKUAST- Kashmir 01.09.2021 10 years "https://skuastkashmir.ac.in/"
ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru 15.09.2021 5 years "https://www.iihr.res.in/"
HESCO, Dehradun 15.09.2021 10 years "https://www.hpnet.org/store/p14/HESCO_%28Himalayan_Environmental_Studies_and_Conservation_Organization%29.html
CPU, Hamirpur (H.P.) 15.09.2021 Open "https://cpuh.in/"
ICAR-IARI RS, Shimla 10.10.2021 Open "https://www.iari.res.in/en/introduction.php
S. Bhopinder Singh S/o Harnam Singh R/o Hanjana Thakra, Nowshera, Rajouri 07.10.2021 Open "N/A
IIP, Mumbai 10.10.2021 3 years "https://www.iip-in.com/"
BIOVED, Prayagraj (UP) 10.10.2021 10 years "https://www.briats.com/"
IHBT, Palampur 16.10.2021 5 years "https://www.ihbt.res.in/en/"
National Innovation Foundation (NIF-India), Ahmedabad 20.10.2021 5 years "https://www.nif.org.in/"
CSIR-IIIM, Jammu 15.11.2021 5 years "https://iiim.res.in/"
AICRP-PHET, ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana 06.12.2021 5 years "https://ciphet.icar.gov.in/research/aicrps/aicrp-on-phet/"
Alpha Environmental Systems (Fruit Fly Traps) 28.02.2022 Open "http://www.alphaenvo.in/"
Alpha Environmental Systems (Tricho Cards)28.02.2022 Open "http://www.alphaenvo.in/"
ICICI Foundation 29.03.2022 5 years "https://www.icicifoundation.org/"
J&K Khadi & Village Industries Board (KVIB) 28.05.2022 3 years "https://jkkvib.in/"
Sanskriti University, Mathura 28.05.2022 3 years "https://www.sanskriti.edu.in/"
ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru 16.06.2022 5 years "https://www.nbair.res.in/"
Himalayan Forest Research Institute Panthaghati, Shimla 26.08.2022 5 years "https://hfri.icfre.gov.in/"
ICAR- Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur 19.10.2022 Open "https://ccri.icar.gov.in"
Indian Institute of Sustainability, Gujarat University, Ahmadabad 08.11.2022 5 years "https://iisg.ac.in/"
Indian Institute of Sustainability, Gujarat University, Ahmadabad 08.11.2022 5 years "https://www.gujaratuniversity.ac.in/details/50"
CSTRI, Central Silk Board, Pampore 19.11.2022 5 years "https://csrtipam.co.in/"
Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture, New Delhi 21.11.2022 Open "https://www.icfa.org.in/"
Manukrishi Private Limited, Jammu 21.11.2022 3 years "https://www.zaubacorp.com/company/MANUKRISHI-PRIVATE-LIMITED/U01220JK2020PTC011961"
DIRCOLL, Director Colleges, Jammu 29.11.2022 - "https://www.jkhighereducation.nic.in/contact.html"
ICAR-CITH, Srinagar 30.11.2022 5 years "https://cith.icar.gov.in/"
ICAR-VPKAS, ALMORA (Seed multiplication) 05.01.2023 5 years "N/A"
Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri 13.02.2023 5 years "https://www.bgsbu.ac.in/"
J&K Forest Research Institute, Jammu 01.03.2023 5 years "https://www.india.gov.in/website-forest-research-institute-jammu-and-kashmir"
National Dairy Development Board, Gujarat 05.04.2023 5 years "https://www.nddb.coop/"
NDRI, Karnal 30.08.2023 5 years "https://ndri.res.in/"
Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute ICAR(IASR) 03.07.2024 5 years "https://iasri.icar.gov.in/"
Bureau of Indian Standards 29.08.2024 5 years "https://www.bis.gov.in/"
University of ladakh - - "https://uol.ac.in/"
Indian Institute of Management, Jammu - - "https://www.iimj.ac.in/"
Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd. 21.11.2024 5 years "https://www.zaubacorp.com/company/KANDHARI-BEVERAGES-PRIVATE-LIMITED/U15549PB1993PTC013213"
Tropical Agrosystem (India) Pvt. Ltd.21.11.2024 5 years "https://tropicalagro.in/"
Saraswati Agro Chemicals(India) Pvt. Ltd. 21.11.2024 5 years "https://saraswatiagrolifescience.com/"
ICMR-National Institute of Virology (ICMR-NIV), Pune, Maharashtra28.11.2024 5 years "https://www.indiascienceandtechnology.gov.in/organisations/ministry-and-departments/indian-council-medical-research-icmr/national-institute-virology-niv-pune"
Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan 02.12.2022 5 years "https://www.yspuniversity.ac.in/"
ICAR-VPKAS, ALMORA (Seed multiplication) 05.01.2023 5 years -
TNAU, Coimbatore 15.05.2023 5 years "https://tnau.ac.in/"
All India Network Project on Soil Arthropod Pests 22.01.2024 5 years "https://ainpwhitegrubs.com/"
ICRISAT 02.04.2024 5 years "https://www.icrisat.org/"
FIL Industries Private Limited 10.07.2024 5 years "https://www.filindustries.com/"
Center for invention, innovation, incubation and training, Jammu 16.07.2024 5 years "http://www.govtpolytechnicjammu.edu.in/ciiit/"
Bayer Crop Science 22.08.2024 5 years "https://www.bayer.com/en/agriculture-overview"
Biovet Pvt. Ltd. 28.11.2024 5 years "https://www.biovet.in/"
FIL Industries Private Limited 10.07.2024 5 years "https://www.filindustries.com/"
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 25.06.2022 5 years "https://www.hutech.edu.vn/english"
Kansas State University, USA 18.08.2022 5 years "https://www.k-state.edu/"
IPB University, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 14.09.2022 5 years "https://www.ipb.ac.id/"
University of Central Florida, Board of Trustees, Florida, USA 21.10.2022 3 years "https://bot.ucf.edu/"
CEBAS-CSIC, Spain 22.06.2023 5 years "https://www.nature.com/nature-index/institution-outputs/spain/centre-for-soil-and-applied-biology-segura-cebas-csic/525e5ee8140ba07608000000"
University of Calaberia, Italy 2023 5 years "https://www.unical.it/internazionale/intenational-students/unical-admission/"
University Western, Australia, Perth 24.11.2023 5 years "https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/"
LJK Economic Growth & Development Dialogue (LEAD) 10.05.2024 5 years -
United Phosphorus Limited (UPL) 10.07.2024 5 years "https://www.upl-ltd.com/"

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