Faculty of Horticulture and Forestry came into existence in the year 2021-22. The Faculty has 07 Divisions encompassing teaching, research and extension in the major areas of horticulture and forestry. The Faculty has 28 teaching and 22 non-teaching staff. The Faculty is offering UG programme in Horticulture and various M.Sc. & Ph.D Programmes. The basic level training in the form of 01 year diploma as BHE is being offered regularly by the faculty to the 10+2 passouts and nominee of the Government organizations. The Faculty caters to various aspects of horticulture viz- commercial flower production, commercial fruit production, nursery management, orchard management, processing and value addition, vegetable production, crop improvement etc. The Faculty is also imparting various trainings in Experiential Learning Programme (ELP). Also various trainings are given to farmers and field functionaries in collaboration with Directorate of Extension. Moreover, Faculty is pioneer in establishing the research extension linkage through its village programmes.