Name of Project |
Principal. Investigator |
Funding Agency |
Duration and date of start |
Evaluation of resident microflora for bio fertilizer potential |
Dr Brajeshwar Singh |
Studies on plant growth promoting activity of bacteria isolated from cucumber rhizosphere |
Dr Upma Dutta |
Evaluation of NIMITZ a new compound in seed potato crop from |
Dr Brajeshwar singh |
ADAMA, Hyderabad Pvt. Ltd. |
02 years |
Evaluation of Fluensulfone 480 EC against Root Knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on Capsicum under open field through Drench |
Dr Brajeshwar singh |
ADAMA, Hyderabad Pvt. Ltd. |
02 years |
Evaluation of NIMITZ 480 EC (Fluensulfone 480 EC) against Root Knot nemtaodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on Tomato in open field through Drench application |
Dr Brajeshwar singh |
ADAMA, Hyderabad Pvt. Ltd. |
02 years |
Evaluation of our new nematicide NIMITZ 480 EC ( Fluensulfone 480 EC) against Root Knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on Cucumber under open field through Drench application |
Dr Brajeshwar singh |
ADAMA, Hyderabad Pvt. Ltd. |
02 years |