Name of Project |
Principal. Investigator |
Funding Agency |
Duration and date of start |
Free radical scavenger and antioxidant activities of selected north-western Himalayan medicinal plants |
Dr. Sanjay Guleria |
DST, GoI, New Delhi |
Three Years |
Factors affecting the olive oil quality and characterization of olive oil using standard protocols for technology transfer for effective marketing of the oil |
Dr. A.K. Tiku / Dr. Sanjay Guleria |
ICAR, New Delhi |
Three Years |
Biochemical prospecting of some traditionally used north western Himalayan medicinal plant for antifungal metabolites |
Dr. Sanjay Guleria |
DBT, GoI, New Delhi |
Three Years |
Expression profiling of dof genes for accumulation of seed storage proteins and nitrogen metabolism in common beans (Rajmash) |
Dr. Moni Gupta |
DBT, GoI, New Delhi |
Three Years |
Developing cultivationtechnology of Keeda jadi mushroom (Cordyceps militaris) for enhanced nutraceutical potential |
Dr. Moni Gupta |
2024-2026 |