Name of Project |
Principal. Investigator |
Funding Agency |
Duration and date of start |
Effect of puddling intensity and irrigation regimes on water productivity of lowland basmati riceβ as a part of the programme on βSustainable intensification of crop water productivity in irrigated low lands of Jammuβ. |
Dr. Abhijit Samanta |
ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar |
03 years |
Evaluation on in-situ and ex-situ water harvesting methods for up-scaling crop water productivity of maize under sub-tropical area of Jammu |
Dr. Abhijit Samanta |
ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar |
03 years |
Conjunctive use management of surface and groundwater at D-9 and D-10 distributary of Ranbir canal command of Jammu |
Dr. Abhijit Samanta |
ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar |
03 years |
Strategizing On-Farm research in Sprinkler Irrigation for Basmati rice-wheat sequence within Canal Command areas of Jammu. |
Dr. Vijay Bharti |
ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar |
03 years |
Evaluation of drip irrigation layout and effect of irrigation on Okra β Cauliflower β Tomato |
Dr. Vijay Bharti |
ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar |
03 years |
Standardization and Productivity Enhancement of Raised beds under Raised βSunken Bed Technology for Waterlogged Areas of Jammu |
Dr. Vijay Bharti |
ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar |
03 years |