Name of Project |
Principal. Investigator |
Funding Agency |
Duration and date of start |
Estimation and evaluation of antimicrobial residues in foods of animal origin in Jammu region and their impact on human health |
Dr. N.K.Pankaj |
03 and half year |
Wound healing potential of Bergenia ciliate rhizome on excision wound model in rats. |
Prof. Rajinder Raina |
University |
01 year |
Nephroprotective Potential of Floral extract of Cynara scolymusin Rats |
Prof. Rajinder Raina |
University |
01 year |
Improving the livelihood of farmers through the uses of bio-pesticide in crop protection in Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir. |
Vibha Raj Shanti, Mentor Dr. N.K.Pankaj |
03 and half year |
Functional and Genetic Modulation of Glutamate Cysteine Ligase (GCL) by Flavonoids in Drug Induced Renal Damage using in vitro and in vivo toxicity models |
Dr. Pawan Kumar Verma |
03 YEARS |
Ameliorative potential of phytochemicals (quercetin and genistein) in fluoride and pesticide induced toxicity in experimental animals |
Dr.Pawan Kumar Verma, Dr. Nrip K Pankaj and Dr. Ajay K Gupta |
SKUAST-Jammu |
Two year |
Socio-economic upliftment of poor farmers through Animal Husbandry using scientific interventions in Jammu province |
DR. Nrip Kishore Pankaj |
03 YEARS |