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Responsibilities / Major Activities

  • Coordination and monitoring of technology application and frontline extension education programmes through a network of 09 Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s with the objective of boosting the socio-economic development of rural families through improved agricultural practices to enhance agricultural productivity and income.
  • Organizing state/zonal level kisan melas to showcase latest agricultural technologies, providing information, guiding/motivating farmers for adoption of new scientific and profitable practices.
  • Regular organization of Extension Education Council, Zonal Research and Extension Advisory Committee (ZREAC) meetings, sensitization workshops, zonal workshops, annual review meetings etc. to discuss in depth the adoption and its feedback on research recommendations and existing transfer of technology programs.
  • Coordinating On-farm testing (OFTs) to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems and Frontline demonstrations (FLDs) to establish production potential of technologies on the farmers' fields.
  • Capacity building of extension personnel, agripreneurs, rural youth and women in agriculture through skill development and training programs to foster innovations and start-ups for promoting agri-entrepreneurship.
  • Providing capacity building support in Extension Management related areas to the extension functionaries both from public and private sector under State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI) Jammu.
  • Establishing effective linkages to facilitate collaboration among stakeholders.
  • Disseminating relevant and up-to-date information through the development and distribution of extension literature, radio/TV talks, and other social media outreach to help the farmers in resolving their queries.
  • Addressing gender concerns by mobilizing farm women into groups and providing training to them.
  • Facilitating convergence of farmer-centric programs in planning, execution, and implementation.

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