Skuast Jammu
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Orders and Circulars
Advertisement Notice for the post of Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Advertisement for the Post of Director Education Dean (Faculty of Basic Sciences) and Dean ( Dairy Technology)
Circular regarding extension for advertisement of Young professional
Circular regarding extension for advertisement of Test Engineer/young professional
Advertisement for the post of Registrar and University Librarian
Requirement of Guest faculty at Institute of Biotechnology
Documents verification of candidates provisionally shortlisted for the posts of Driver advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023 on 25.03.2025
Documents verification of candidates provisionally shortlisted for the posts of Data Entry Operator advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023 on 25.03.2025
Documents verification of candidates provisionally shortlisted for the posts of Data Entry Operator advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023 on 25.03.2025
Recommendations of the Selection-cum-Document Verification Committee in respect of the candidate appeared for document verification on 10.03.2025 for the post of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Recommendations of the Selection-cum-Document Verification Committee in respect of the candidate appeared for document verification on 07.03.2025 for the post of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Recommendations of the Selection-cum-Verification Committee in respect of the candidate appeared for document verification on 06.03.2025 for the post of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Recommendations of the Selection-cum-Verification Committee in respect of the candidate appeared for document verification on 05.03.2025 for the post of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Recommendations of the Selection-cum-Verification Committee in respect of the candidate appeared for document verification on 04.03.2025 for the post of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Recommendations of the Selection-cum-Verification Committee in respect of the candidate appeared for document verification on 03.03.2025 for the post of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Advertisement notice for Young Professional-I at MOAFW Project Assessment of Farm mechanization Status and Prospects of Custom Hiring in India
Advertisement notice for Test Engineering/ Young Professional-I at Farm Machinery Testing Centre
Provisional Result of the candidates appeared in OMR Based Written Test conducted on 07.12.2024 for the post of Data Entry Operator advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of the candidates appeared in OMR Based Written Test conducted on 07.12.2024 for the post of Drivers advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Advertisement for recruitment of SRF, Agronomy
Documents Verification for candidates falling in the merit list on the basis of written test for the post of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for the temporary position in an Adhoc Project entitled ‘Technological interventions and capacity building to promote entrepreneurship and enhance income in agricultural sector in outer Himalayas of Jammu region of Jammu & Kashmir (UT)
Walk-in-Interview for Recruitment of Project Assistant under JKDST funded Project
Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for the temporary position in ICSSR funded project entitled “Assessing the Impact of Jal Jeevan Mission on Rural Water Accessibility, Health and Livelihoods in Jammu and Kashmir”
Advertisement for the temporary position of Project Associate-I under the ad-hoc project entitled “Analysis of Molecular Tumor Biomarkers for the Investigation of Neoplasms in Cattle in the Jammu Region”
Selection of Ms Khushbu Bharti D/o Sh. Ram Paul R/o H.No. 157, Ward No. 9, R.S.Pura, Jammu (181102) for the post of Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner & equivalent positions under SC Category (Category Rank 7).
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Food Processing and Food Engineering FoAE, Chatha
Advertisement notice for Counsellor (contractual basis)
2nd final selection list of Class IV and equivalent vide University Order no. 01 (Secy.} of 2025 dated: 09.01.2025
Walk-In-Interview for the Recruitment of Project Assistant Under DST Funded Project on 15.01.2025 at 10.00 am
Advertisement of engagement of consultant (Audit and Finance) in the office of Comptroller, SKUAST-jammu
Walk- in- interview for the post of Assistant Professor on academic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Dairy Technology
Advertisement for the temporary post of Project Associate-I in an adhoc project entitled ‘Upscaling the Use Potential of Native Agriculturally Beneficial Microbes through Demonstrations and Capacity Building in Himalayas’
Walk-In-Interview for the Recruitment of Project Assistant Under DST Funded Research project entitled “Study of different biomarkers to assess the impact of pollutants in water, sediments and fish from various aquatic systems of Jammu”
Walk-in-Interview for Recruitment of Project Assistant under DBT funded Project under DBT funded project entitled “Studies on the seed production and grow out culture of endangered Golden Mahseer
Selection of Ms. Mamona Parveen D/o Sh. Farooq Ahmad Rather R/o Dachan Gool, Tehsil Gool, District Ramban, J&K as Apprentice Technician (Farms/Lab)T1
Advertisement for Walk in Interview for temporary positions in ICAR sponsored research projects
Cancellation of Walk in interview for the posts of Assistant professor Dairy engineering
Notice regarding revised Answer key for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination held on 07-12-2024 for the posts of data entry operator and driver
Notice regarding revised Answer key for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination held on 07-12-2024 for the posts of data entry operator and driver
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination held on 07-12-2024 for the posts of data entry operator and driver
Walk in interview for the posts of Assistant professor
Download admit card for written test : driver and data entry operator
Advertisement notice for the temporary positions are invited from the eligible candidates for short term on contractual basis of Young Professional-I (YP-I) for on-farm research programme under All India Coordinated Research Project
Implementation of the directions of Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal Order dated 20.09.2024 passed in TA. 127/2024 titled “Mamona Parveen v/s SKUAST-Jammu
Advertisement for the post of Young Professional-I at Institute of Biotechnology
Advertisement notice for the temporary position of “Project Staff” under ad-hoc projects
Inviting applications from the Teachers/Scientists for their placement in next higher scales/grades under Career Advancement Scheme
Notice regarding conducting of written tests of Data entry operator and Driverposts
Syllabus for the post of Data Entry Operator and Driver along with other non teaching posts
Conducting of Written Test for the posts of Data Entry Operator and Driver on 07.12.2024
Advertisement notice for the post of Project Assistant in the DST JKST&IC funded project
Result of candidates who qualified the Computer Based Skill Test for the post of Data Entry Operators
Walk in interview for the one temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Basic Engineering & Science, FoAE for 1st Semester of Academic session 2024-25
Memorandum regarding Interview for the post of Field/Project Assistant in the DST JKST&IC funded project
Memorandum regarding enagement as Contractual Assistant Professor (Statistics/Mathematics) on academic arrangment basis for the acdemic 2024-25
Advertisement for the temporary position of Young Professional-II under the ICAR-NASF funded project “Deciphering the genetic basis of lower susceptibility of indigenous cattle to bovine anaplasmosis”
Advertisement notice for the post of Field/Project Assistant in the DST JKST&IC funded project
Memorandum regarding engaged as contractual Assistant Professor(Statistics/Mathematics)
Advertisement of one position of Project Assistant under project funded by JKST & IC at SKUAST-Jammu.
Cancellation of withheld recommendations of Sh. Ghanish Kumar, provisionally selected for the post of Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner & equivalents
Final Opportunity to S. Gagan Deep Singh S/o Sh. Jasvir Singh R/o Village Indra Nagar P.o Miran Sahib for submission of valid two years Experience Certificate-reg
Result of Skill Test (Driving Test) for the post of Driver
Interview notice for Contractual Appointment of Asstt. Professor (English) scheduled on 27/08/2024
Result of Computer Based Type Test for the post of Data Entry Operator
2nd Provisional Selection list of Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner & equivalents, following creation of the 04 vacancies after non-joining by the candidates recommended in 1st Selection List notified vide no. 76 (Secy.) of 2024 dated 24.01.2024
Advertisement the temporary position onacademic arrangement basis in the Division of Statistics and computer science vide no. AUJ/Stat/24-25/F-Contractual/400-403 dated:07.08.2024
Walk-in -interview for the temporary positions of Assistant Professors on academic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Dairy Technology
Advertisement for the position of JRF in DAE-BRNS
Link to download Admit Card for the post of Data Entry Operator
Advertisement for Engagement of 03 contractual teacher/faculty (Business Administration) on academic arrangement basis
Appointment of Dr. Kapil Kumar Tiwari S/o Sh. Rajendra Kumar Tiwari R/o Panchal Banglow, Near Rokadia Hanuman Mandir, Becharpura, Palanpur, Gujarat-385501 as Associate Professor (Biotechnology), SKUAST-Jammu.
List of candidates applied for the post of Data Entry Operator
Conducting of Skill Test (Computer Based Type Test & Computer Based Skill Test) for the post of Data Entry Opeartor, advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated. 19.07.2023
Syllabus of Written Test for the Post of Drivers
Appointment of Sh. Sukhvinder Singh S/o Sh. Om Parkash Singh R/o Village Maira Jagir, P.O. Maira Mandrian, Tehsil Maira Mandrian, Jammu-181201(J&K) as Electrician.
Appointment of Sh. Abid Shamas Katoch S/o Sh. Shamas-ud-Din Katoch R/o Village Alinbass, Tehsil Pogal Paristan, Distt. Ramban, Jammu and Kashmir, J&K -182145 as Works Supervisor (Civil).
Advertisement for the positions of Assistant Professor on Contractual basis at Institute of Biotechnology, SKUAST-J
Appointment of Sh. Surinder Singh S/o Sh. Dev Raj R/o 14 Kuthyara Sindra, Tehsil Bhalla, District Doda, J&K as cleaner
Advertisement notice for the temporary position under the JKST&IC Project
Appointment of Sh. Pawan Singh S/o Sh. Krishan Singh R/o Bhagwah, Doda, J&K as Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery /Store Clerk & equivalents
Download admit card for driving test
Conduct of Skill Test for the posts of Driver advertised vide no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Walk-in -interview for the temporary positions of Assistant Professors on academic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Dairy Technology
Advertisement the temporary position onacademic arrangement basis in the Division of Statistics and computer science, Faculty of Basic Sciences.
University Order No: 226 (Secy.) of 2O24 Dated: O5.O7.2O24
Advertisement notice for Skilled Staff (contractual)
Advertisement notice for Engagement of Contractual Teacher (Assistant Professor) English
Walk-in Interview for the position of Project Assistant purely time bound under the research project funded by JKST & IC at SKUAST-Jammu.

University Order No. 225(Secy.) of 2024 Dated: 01.07.2024
University Order No. 224(Secy.) of 2024 Dated: 01.07.2024
Advertisement the post of Assistant Professor on contractual basis in the Division of Basic Engineering & science, FoAE for semester of academic session 2024-25
University Order No. 223(Secy.) of 2024 Dated: 28.06.2024
Walk in interview for the post ofProject Assistant under the research project funded by JKST & IC at SKUAST-Jammu
Final Selection lists of Electrician ,Sound Man , Carpenter and Works Supervisor (Civil)
Selection of Pawan Singh as Assistant-cumTypist & equivalent
Appointment of Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma as Deputy Director Extension in SKUAST-Jammu
Appointment of Dr. Syed Sheraz Mahdi as Associate Director Research in SKUAST-Jammu
Appointment Order of Dr. Anil Bhat as Associate Director Research in SKUAST-Jammu
Appointment of Sh. Shakir Ahmed Koka as Technician (Farms/Laboratories)
Selection of Sh. Ishfaq Rashid Bhat as Apprentice Technician (Farm/Laboratories)
Walk-in Interview for Recruitment of District Resource Persons under PM-FME Scheme
Advertisement for the temporary positions as Project Associate under the ad-hoc project entitled “Socio-economic upliftment of poor farmers through Animal Husbandry using scientific interventions in Jammu province”
Appointment Order of Stenographers
Rotation of Headship of various Divisions of Faculties
Placement of Teachers/Scientists from pay level L-12 (₹79800-211500)/(Pay Band ₹15600-39100+AGP ₹8000) (Stage-3) to Associate Proefssor/Senior Scientist L-13A (₹131400-217100)/(Pay Band ₹37400-67000 + AGP ₹9000/- (Stage-4) under Career Advancement Scheme for Teachers
Placement of Teachers/Scientists in pay level L-13 A (₹131400-217100)/ (Pay Band ₹37400-67000 + AGP ₹9000/-) to Professor/Cheif Scientist in pay level L-14 (₹144200-218200)/(Pay Band ₹37400-67000 + AGP ₹10000/-) under Career Advancement Scheme for Teachers
Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Associate Director Research, Deputy Director Research, Deputy Director Extension and Associate Professor-cum-Senior Scientist (Biotechnology) in SKUAST-Jammu
for the temporary positions (Contractual basis) of Project Associate-I under the ad-hoc project entitled “Biodegradable multi-unit intra-ruminal devices for long- term time-controlled pulsatile release of nutrients supplements & de-worming drugs to enhance production and reproduction in cattle”
Recommendations of the Selection-cum-Document Verification Committee in respect of the candidates not fulfilling the eligibility conditions for the post of Audio Visual Operator in pursuance to University advertisement notice issued vide no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Selection Lists for the posts of Electrician, SOundman, Carpenter and Works Supervisor, in pursuance to University advertisement notice issued vide no. 09(Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Revised interview schedule for Tenurial Division of Faculties
Interview Schedule for the Tenurial Headship of Divisions
Document verification of candidates falling under Consideration Zone for the post of Audio Visual Operator, Sound Man, Carpenter, Electrician and Work Supervisor (Civil), advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023
List of candidates selected for the post of Cook/Hostel Attendant and Cleaner
List of candidates selected for the post of Cook/Hostel Attendant and Cleaner
List of candidates selected for the post of Stenographers
Advertisement notice for Walk-in-interview for position of JRF and Field worker under project project North Indian Centre for Water Technology Research in Agriculture
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POST OF PROJECT ASSISTANT under the JKST&IC Project “Developing Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) assay for rapid and sensitive diagnosis of Bacterial Pneumonia in small ruminants of Jammu and Kashmir ”
Interview Schedule for the post of Associate Director Research, Deputy Director Research, Deputy Director Extension and Associate Professor(Biotechnology)-List of eligible candidates thereof
Provisional Result of Written Test for the posts of Audio Visual Operator, Sound Man, Carpenter, Electrician and Works Supervisor (Civil)
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POST OF PROJECT ASSISTANT under the JKST&IC Project “Evaluating Apoptotic Gene Expression in Caprine and Ovine Oocytes Undergoing In Vitro Maturation during Heat Stress and Their Mitigation with Antioxidants”
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POST OF PROJECT ASSISTANT under the JKST&IC Project “Prevalence, Molecular Characterization and Pathology of Poxvirus Infection in Animals and Birds of Jammu Region”
List of candidates provisionally recommended for selection to the posts of Stenographers advertised vide Notification No. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023 after document verification
Recommendations of the Selection-cum-Document Verification Committee in respect of the candidates not fulfilling the eligibility conditions for the posts of Cook/Hostel Attendant and Cleaner advertised vide notification no. 10 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
List of candidates provisionally recommended for selection to the posts of Cook/Hostel Attendant and Cleaner advertised vide Notification No. 10 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023 after document verification
Walk-in-Interview for Recruitment of OfficeAssistant under JKDST funded Project
Walk in interview for the position of Project Assistant purely time bound under the research project funded by JKST&IC at SKUAST-Jammu
Document verification of candidates falling under Consideration Zone for the post of Stenographers advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of Written Test for the post of Stenographers vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023.
Walk in Interview for the post of Project Assistant in a purely time bound research project under the JKST&IC sponsored research project
Advertisement for the temporary position of Accountant in the Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) promoted by SKUAST-Jammu,
Notice for Revised Answer key for the examination held on 28-02-2024 for the posts of Soundman and Audio Visual Operator
Notice for Revised Answer key for the examination held on 28-02-2024 for the posts of Electrician , Work Supervisor and Carpenter
Revised Interview Schedule for Placement/Promotion of Teachers under CAS
Interview Schedule for Placement/Promotion of Teachers under CAS
List of candidates recommended for their placement/promotion as Professors/Chief Scientists & equivalents and Associate Professors/ Senior Scientists & equivalents
Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Associate Professor-cum-Senior Scientist in SKUAST-Jammu
Selection List of the candidate for the post of Professor-cum-Chief Scientist in SKUAST-Jammu(U.O. No. 93 (Secy.) of 2024 dated 13.03.2024
Appointment of Animal Attendant in SKUAST-Jammu (U.O. No. 92 (Secy.) of 2024 dated 12.03.2024
Appointment Order of Peon/Orderly/Chowkidar/Laboratory Attendant/ Library Attendant OCC/Mali/Gardner & equivalents in SKUAST-Jammu(U.O. No. 91(Secy.) of 2024 dated 12.03.2024)
Advertisement for the positions of Guest Faculty at Institute of Biotechnology, SKUAST-J
Answer Key for examination held on 11/03/2024 (Annexure C)
Answer Key for examination held on 11/03/2024 (Annexure A)
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination held on 11-03-2024
List of shortlisted candidates for appearing in interview for various Teaching/Scientific Posts on 11.03.2024
Final Selection list of candidates for the post of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery/Store Clerk & equivalents advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023

List of shortlisted candidates for appearing in interview for various Teaching/Scientific Posts on 10.03.2024
Notice for revised answer key for the examination held on 28-02-2024 for the posts of Stenographer
List of shortlisted candidates for appearing in interview for various Teaching/Scientific Posts on 09.03.2024
List of shortlisted candidates for appearing in interview for various Teaching/Scientific Posts on 07.03.2024
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination held on 05-03-2024 for the posts of Electrician, Work Supervisor and Carpenter
Answer Key for examination held on 05/03/2024 (Annexure A)
Answer Key for examination held on 05/03/2024 (Annexure C)
List of shortlisted candidates for appearing in interview for various Teaching/Scientific Positions on 06.03.2024 (Registrar Office)
Download admit card for appearing in the written test for the posts of audio visual operator and soundman
Revised List of candidates for appearing in interview for the post of Assistant Professor-cumJunior Scientist in the discipline of Plant breeding and Genetics (Registrar Office)
Download admit card for appearing in the written test for the posts of electrician, work supervisor and carpenter
Advertisement notice for temporary positions at the Institute of Biotechnology, SKUAST-Jammu.
Interview Schedule for the various Teaching/Scientific positions in different disicplines upto 11.03.2024 (Registrar Office)
Answer key for the examination held on 28-02-2024 for the posts of Stenographer
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination for the posts of Stenographer,
Interview Schedule for the various Teaching/Scientific positions upto 05.03.2024 (Registrar Office)
Revised list of shortlisted candidates for appearing in Interview for the post of Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist in the discipline of Fruit Science (Registrar Office)
Provisional Selection list of candidates for the posts of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery/Store Clerk & equivalents advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023-regarding
Final Selection lists of candidates for the posts of (i) Technician (Farms/Labs/clinics) T1 (ii) Technician (Farms/Labs) T1 (iii) Accounts Assistant /Cashier (iv) Draftsman advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023 (Registrar Office)
Interview Schedule for the various Teaching/Scientific positions in the discipline of Fruit Sciences (Registrar Office)
Interview Schedule for the post of Assistant Profesor-cum-Junior Scientist in the discipline of Entomology (Registrar Office)
Revised list of shortlisted candidates for appearing in Interview for the post of Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist in the discipline of Livestock Production Management (LPM)-regarding (Registrar Office)
Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for the temporary position in Department of Biotechnology (DBT) sponsored research project entitled, “Maintaining ecosystem services in fragile forests of Northwest Himalayas: Conservation and restoration of insect biodiversity for livelihood security
Download admit card for appearing in the written test on February 28, 2024 test for the post of stenographer
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Food Processing and Food Engineering FoAE, Chatha
Revised schedule for holding of written test for the post of Electrician, Worksupervisor(civil), Carpenter, Audiovisual Operator & Soundman (Registrar Office)
Walk-in-interview for the temporary positions of Assistant Professor on academic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Dairy Technology
Schedule of Interview for Teaching/Scientific positions in Phase I-reg (Registrar Office)
Result of Skill Test held at ITI, Jammu for the post of Electricians, Carpenter, Works supervisor (Civil) advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Advertisement notice for the temporary position of Project Associate-I under the ad-hoc project entitled “Analysis of Molecular Tumor Biomarkers for the Investigation of Neoplasms in Cattle in the Jammu Region”
Result of Computer Based Type Test and Short Hand Test (Dictation and Transcription) for the post of Stenographers, advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023
List of candidates not fulfilling the eligibility conditions for selection to the posts of Technician (Farms/Labs) T1, Female Nurse and Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Selection lists for the posts of Technician (Farms/Labs/clinics) T1, Technician (Farms/Labs) T1, Accounts Assistant /Cashier, Draftsman advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023-regarding
Walk-in-Interview for Recruitment of Project Assistant under DBT funded Project
Document verification of candidates falling under Consideration Zone for the post of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch /Receipt /Stationery /Store Clerk and equivalents advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of Written Test for the post of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch /Receipt /Stationery /Store Clerk and equivalents advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023.
Download admit card for the posts of electrician/work supervisor/carpenter/sound man/audio visual operator
Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) Under FFP Project, SKUAST-JAMMU
Final Selection list of candidates for the post (s) of (i) Animal Attendant and (ii) Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner & equivalents advertisement notices issued vide no’s 09 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 06.07.2022 and 10 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 20.07.2022
Memorandum regarding Normalization formula for appropriation of research score of an applicant for the post of Associate Professor/Sr. Scientist/Dy. Director & equivalent and Professor/Chief Scientist/Associate Director & equivalent out of 80
Downloading of admit card card for appearing in the Type Test and Stenography Test scheduled to be held on 23rd and 24th of January, 2024
Schedule of Type Test for the post of Stenographers scheduled to be held on 23rd & 24th of January, 2024
Notice regarding conducting of Skill Tests for various non-teaching posts.vide Notification No O9 (Secy) of 2023 dated: 19-07-2023
List of Candidates applied for the post of Carpenter
List of candidates applied for the post of Soundman
List of candidates applied for the post of Work Supervisor
List of candidates applied for the posts of Electrician
List of candidates applied for the posts of Audio Visual Operator
Walk-in-interview for the post of Field Assistant Under FFP Project, SKUAST-JAMMU
Advertisement notice of Project Associate-I under the ad-hoc project entitled “Biodegradable multi-unit intra-ruminal devices for long￾term time-controlled pulsatile release of nutrients supplements & de-worming drugs to enhance production and reproduction in cattle” funded by Department of Biotechnology,
Notice regarding revised Answer key for the examination for the posts of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery/Store Clerk and equivalent
Provisional Selection list of candidates for the posts of (a) Peon/Orderly/Chowkidar/Laboratory Attendant/ Library Attendant /OCC /Mali /Gardner & equivalents and (b) Animal Attendant and advertised vide no 10 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 20.07.2022 and 09 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 06.07.2022, respectively
Conducting of Computer Based Type Test and Short Hand Test (Dictation and Transcription) for the post of Stenographers, advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023
Answer key for the examination held on 30-12-2023 for the posts of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery/Store Clerk and equivalent
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination for the posts of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery/Store Clerk and equivalent,
Download admit card for the post of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery/Store Clerk and equivalent,
Notice regarding Document verification of candidates provisionally shortlisted for the posts of (i) Technician (Farms/Labs/clinics) T1, (ii) Technician (Farms/Labs) T1, (iii) Accounts Assistant /Cashier, (iv) Female Nurse, (v) Draftsman (vi) Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Advertisement for walk in interview for the temporary position of young professional (01) on contractual basis under ad-hoc project entitled “Setting up of Honeybee Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Laboratory”
Notice regrading document verification of candidates provisionally shortlisted for the post of (i) Cleaner (ii) Cook/Hostel attendant advertised vide notification no.10 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Document verification for candidates provisionally falling under consideration zone for the posts of Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner & equivalents and Security Guard advertised vide notification no.10 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 20.07.2022 and 06 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 07.06.2022-Last opportunity thereof
Provisional Result of the candidates, finalized on the basis of OMR based written Test + additional weightage points awarded to them as per the notified selection criteria, for the posts of Cook/Hostel Attendant advertised vide notification no 10 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of the candidates, finalized on the basis of OMR based written Test + additional weightage points awarded to them as per the notified selection criteria, for the posts of Cleaner advertised vide notification no 10 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of the candidates appeared in OMR Based Written Test on 06.11.2023 for the posts of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of the candidates appeared in OMR Based Written Test conducted on 03.11.2023 for the posts of Draftsman advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of the candidates appeared in OMR Based Written Test conducted on 31.10.2023 for the posts of Female Nurse advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of the candidates appeared in OMR Based Written Test conducted on 21.10.2023 for the post of Accounts Assistant/Cashier advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of the candidates appeared in OMR Based Written Test conducted on 14.10.2023 for the posts of Technician (Farms/Labs) T1 advertised vide notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Provisional Result of the candidates appeared in OMR Based Written Test conducted on 14.10.2023 for the posts of Technician (Farms/Labs/clinics) T1
Result of Computer Based Type Test (Skill Test) held w.e.f. 1st of November, 2023 to 10th of November, 2023 at NIELIT, Jammu, for the posts of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery/Store Clerk and equivalents advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023
Advertisement notice for the one temporary position of the counselor in the Health Centre of SKUAST-J for a period of one year.
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Food Processing and Food Engineering FoAE, Chatha
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Basic Engineering and Sciences FoAE, Chatha
Advertisement notice temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the division of micriobiology and immunology
Document verification for candidates provisionally falling under consideration zone for the posts of Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali Garderner and equivalent Advertised vide notification no. 10 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 20.07.2022
Revised Answer key for the examination for the posts of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer
Notice regarding Revised Answer key for the examination for the posts of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer
Document verification for candidates provisionally falling under consideration zone for the posts of Animal Attendant advertised vide notification no.09 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 06.07.2022
Document verification for candidates provisionally falling under consideration zone for the posts of Security Guard advertised 06 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 07.06.2022.
Final/Revised Answer key for the examination for the posts of Cleaner and Cook/Hostel attendent
Revised Answer key for the examination for the posts of Female Nurse
Notice regarding Revised Answer key for the examination for the posts of Female Nurse
Notice regarding Revised Answer key for the examination for the posts of Draftsman
Answer key for the examination held on 06-11-2023 for the posts of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination for the posts of Classifier-cum-Cataloguer
Answer key for the examination held on 03-11-2023 for the posts of Draftsman
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination for the posts of Draftsman
Answer key for the examination held on 31-10-2023 for the posts of Female Nurse
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination for the posts of Female Nurse
Notice regarding Revised Answer key for the examination for the posts of Accounts Asstts/Cashier
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Basic Engineering and Science
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Food Processing and Food Engineering FoAE, Chatha
Download admit card for Classifier-cum-cataloguer
Answer key for the examination held on 28-10-2023 for the posts of cleaner/cook/hostel attendant
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination for the posts of Cleaner, Cook and Hostel attendant
Download admit card for Draftsman and ACT typing test
Revised Answer key for the examination held on 14-10-2023 for the posts "Technician (Farms/Lab) (1)/ & Technician (Farms/Lab/Clinics) (T1)
Download admit card for the post of Female nurse : Date of test 31.10.2023
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination for the posts of Account Assistant/cashier
Download admit card for the posts of cleaner, cook and hostel attendant
Conducting of Computer Based Type Test for the post of Assistant-cum-Typist/Dispatch/Receipt/Stationery/Store Clerk and equivalent, advertised vide Notification No 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 19.07.2023
Provisional Result Notification for the posts of (i) Security, Guard, (ii) Animal Attendant and (iii) Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner & equivalents advertised vide notification no’s 06 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 07.06.2022, 09 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 06.07.2022 and 10 (Secy.) of 2022 dated 20.07.2022
List of candidates applied for the post of Stenographers against advertisement notification no. 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023 and for which the Skill Test (Short Hand and Type Test) shall be conducted shortly
List of candidates applied for the posts of Assistant-cum-Typist & equivalent against advertisement notification no.09(Secy.) of 2023 dated. 19.07.2023 and for which the Type Test shall be conducted shortly
Notice regarding Answer key: Seeking representation (if any) for the OMR based SKUAST-Jammu recruitment written examination for the posts "Technician (Farms/Lab) (1)/ & Technician (Farms/Lab/Clinics) (T1)
Download Admit Cards for the Post of Accounts Assistant/ Cashier
Advertisement for temporary position of Junior Research Fellow under DST sponsored research project entitled “Collection and DNA profiling of nutritionally important underutilized vegetables of North Western Himalayas”
Advertisement notice for filling of Young Professional-I position on contractual basis under All India Coordinated Research Project on Integrated Farming System (OFR), Farming system Research Centre, SKUAST-J Chatha
Advertisement the post of Assistant Professor on contractual basis in the Division of Basic Engineering & science
Admit cards for the post of Technician (Farms/Lab) (T1) and Technician (Farms/Lab/Clinics) (T1) under notification no. 09 (Secy.) 2023 dated 19-07-2023
Advertisement notice for the position of skilled staff(contractual) in AICRP Weed Management scheme
Notice regarding downloading of admit card for non-teaching posts advertised vide notification no. 09(secy.) of 2023 and 10(secy.) of 2023 dated: 19-07-2023
Advertisement notice for the position of young professional I in Farming System Research Centre SKUAST-JAMMU.
Tentative schedule for conduct of written test for various notified posts
Advertisement notice for temporary positions on academic arrangement basis in the School of Biotechnology for the academic year 2023-24.
Advertisement for recruitment under Farmer Producer Organisations (FPO)
Selection criteria and Syllabus for written test for the posts of Technician (Farms/Lab)(T1) and Technician (Farms/Lab/Clinics) (T1)
Advertisement notice for the temporary position of Project Associatein the DBT funded research project
Click for Correction window for Adverisement Notice ( 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19-07-2023 ) and ( 10 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19-07-2023 ).
Advertisement notice for the temporary position of Project Associatein the DBT funded research project
Selection Criteria and Syllabus for various non teaching posts advertised vide notification nos 09 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023 and 10 (Secy.) of 2023 dated 19.07.2023
Notice regarding correction in particulars of the online application form for non teaching posts vide notification no. 10(secy.) Dated: 19-07-2023
Notice regarding correction in particulars of the online application form for non teaching posts vide notification no. 09(secy.) Dated: 19-07-2023
Memorandum regarding selection of Asstt. Professor(English), temporarily on academic arrangement basis in the office of Dean, FoA
Requirement of Guest faculty at School of Biotechnology
Notice regarding Headship of different divisons-inviting of application thereof
Circular for inviting the applications for the Headship of Divisions
Advertisement Notification No. 03 of 2023 Dated: 10.08.2023 regarding for engagement of contractual teacher / Faculty on Academic Arrangement basis for teaching Agri-Business Management students.
Interview notice for eligible candidates for the contractual position of Asstt. Professor(English) for FoA, SKUAST-J
Apply Online for various non-teaching positions
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Food Processing and Food Engineering FoAE, Chatha
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Basic Engineering and Sciences FoAE, Chatha
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Statistics & Computer Science, Faculty of Basic Sciences
Advertisement for the posts of Cleaner and Cook/Hostel attendant
Advertisement for various non teaching positions
Advertisement for temporary position of Junior Research Fellow under DST sponsored research project entitled “Collection and DNA profiling of nutritionally important underutilized vegetables of North Western Himalayas
Postponement Walk-in-interview for the engagement of temporary positions of Young Professionals-II (02 no.) and Project Assistants (02 no.) under the project entitled “Promotion of Millets & Nutricereals in UT of J&K” funded under HADP, Govt. of JK
Advertisement for the posts of Associate Director/Professors/Chief Scientists vide Notification No. 08(Secy.) of 2023 dated:12-07-2023
Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professors/Jr. Scientists vide Notification No. 06(Secy.) of 2023 dated:12-07-2023
Advertisement for the posts of Deputy Directors and Associate Professors/Sr. Scientists vide Notification No. 07(Secy.) of 2023 dated:12-07-2023
Advertisement for Young Professional-II under NICRA Project at KVK Kathua
ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POSTS OF DEANS AND DIRECTORS vide notification no. 05 (Secy.) of 2023 dated: 10.07.2023
Annexure-I to Notification No. 05 (Secy) of 2023 dated: 10.07.2023
Advertisement for the posts of University Librarian and Registrar vide notification no. (04) Secy. of 2023 dated:10.07.2023
Advertisement for the post of Young Professionals-II (02 no.) and Project Assistants (02 no.) under the project entitled “Promotion of Millets & Nutricereals in UT of J&K” funded under HADP
Application format for the post of Young Professionals-II under the project entitled “Promotion of Millets & Nutricereals in UT of J&K”
Notification regarding withdrawal of teaching/scientific and adminstrative positions - reg
Notification regarding withdrawal of Non teaching positions - reg
Circular regarding CAS application forms
Walk in interview for the temporary position of young professional oncontractual basis underadhoc project "Setting up of Honey Bee disease diagnostic and treatment Laboratory
Recruitment notice for the post of sales engineer in Harvel Agua India Private Limited
Advertisement notice for the temporary positions on academic arrangement basis in the School of Biotechnology for the academic year 2023-24
Notification No. 1 of 2023 Date : 13-06-2023 regarding UDGAM : Agripreneurship Orientation Program and PRAGATI: Seed Stage Funding-Launch pad for Agro Start-ups
Notification regarding extension in last date of submission of valid certificates.
Notification regarding extension in last date of submission of valid certificates.
Advertisement notice for Engagement of Contractual Teacher (English).
Advertisement notice inviting applications for the posts of Deputy Director purely on contractual basis
Selection criteria and Syllabus for OMR based written test for posts of Programme Assistants/Farm Manager/Assistants in Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK’s)
Notice for submission of valid Certificates by the candidates for awarding additional weightage points for the posts of (i) Security, Guard, (ii) Animal Attendant and (iii) Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner & equivalents
Employment Notice for engagement on contractual basis of 01 (One) position of Accountant cum establishment clerk
Walk-in-interview for the post of Field Assistant Under FFP Project, SKUAST-JAMMU
Recruitment notice for the posts of CEO in three FPOs
Advertisement notice for the temporary positions on academic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Dairy Technology, to teach various under-graduate courses of Faculty of Dairy Technology, for the Academic session 2022-23
Advertisement notice for the temporary positions under the ad-hoc project entitled “Technological innovations in enhancing ovine and caprine production performance and its value addition for sustainable livelihood of nomadic shepherds of UT of Jammu and Kashmir”
Advertisement for the temporary position of Junior Research Fellow under DBT New Delhi
Terms & Conditions for recruitment of a Junior Research Fellow under DST funded project
Walk-in-interview for recruitment of a Junior Research Fellow under DST funded project
Advertisement for the temporary position of Project Associate I/JRF in the DBT funded research project entitled “Germplasm characterization and trait discovery in wheat using genomic approaches and its integration for improving climate resilience, productivity and nutritional quality” in the School of Biotechnology
Walk in interview of DRPs for Rajouri and Ramban districts under PM-FME scheme
Walk-in-Interview for Recruitment of Field Worker under DBT funded Project
Advertisement notice for the temporarypositionsofUnskilled Labourer /Attendant under the ad-hoc project entitled “Ornamental fish breeding and culture for livelihood development in Jammu region
Recruitment notice for the different positions in Ernst & young services Pvt. Ltd
Advertisement notice for the contractual position on academic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
Advertisement notice for the contractual position on academic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
Advertisement notice for Project Associate I/JRF in the DBT funded research project entitled " Germplasm characterization and trait discovery in wheat using genomic approaches and its intergration for improving climate resilence, productivity and nutritional quality"
Requirement of Guest faculty at School of Biotechnology
Walk in interview of DRPs under PM-FME scheme
selection list of incubates selected for admission to the 6th batch of Agri-entrepreneurship training programmes at Agri-Business Incubator,
Advertisement the post of Assistant Professor on contractual basis at School of Biotechnology, SKUAST-Jammu
Walk-in-Interview for Recruitment of Project Associate under DST funded Project
Advertisement Notice filling of bilateral contract basis position of 01 Computer Operator in ICARNodal Cell, SKUAST-J, Chatha
Syllabus for various non-teaching positions-reg
Postpone of walk in interview for positions in FPO Cell of SKUAST-Jammu, walk in interview for 04 positions (Professional (Agri Marketing/ Value addition/ Processing/IT/MIS) and Coordinator (Reasi and Doda) fixed on 23-12-2022 is postponed on 26-12-2022(Monday) at 10.30 A.M in the Directorate of extension, Skuast-Jammu. All the candidates are informed to appear for the walk-in interview on 26-12-2022 at 10:30 a.m. All the candidates are advised to bring their documents as notified earlier
Postpone of walk in interview for positions in FPO Cell of SKUAST-Jammu, walk in interview for 04 positions (Professional (Agri Marketing/ Value addition/ Processing/IT/MIS) and Coordinator (Reasi and Doda) fixed on 23-12-2022 is postponed on 26-12-2022(Monday) at 10.30 A.M in the Directorate of extension, Skuast-Jammu. All the candidates are informed to appear for the walk-in interview on 26-12-2022 at 10:30 a.m. All the candidates are advised to bring their documents as notified earlier
Postpone of walk in interview for positions in FPO Cell of SKUAST-Jammu, walk in interview for 04 positions (Professional (Agri Marketing/ Value addition/ Processing/IT/MIS) and Coordinator (Reasi and Doda) fixed on 23-12-2022 is postponed on 26-12-2022(Monday) at 10.30 A.M in the Directorate of extension, Skuast-Jammu. All the candidates are informed to appear for the walk-in interview on 26-12-2022 at 10:30 a.m. All the candidates are advised to bring their documents as notified earlier
Postpone of walk in interview for positions in FPO Cell nof SKUAST-Jammu, walk in interview for 04 positions (Professional (Agri Marketing/ Value addition/ Processing/IT/MIS) and Coordinator (Reasi and Doda) fixed on 23-12-2022 is posponed on 26-12-2022(Monday) at 10.30 A.M in the Directorate of extension, Skuast-Jammu.All the candidates are informed to appear for the walk-in interview on 26-12-2022 at 10:30 a.m. All the candidates are advised to bring their documents as notified earlier
Walk in interview of DRPs for Ramban and Poonch districts under PM-FME scheme
Employment Notice for the position of Accountant cum establishment clerk in Sameti-Jammu
Revised answerkey for the omr based screening/written test for the post of Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner Animal Attendent,Security Guard
Advertisement for Walk in interview for temporary positions on 26thDecember, 2022 in FPO Cell
Advertisement for the post of Registrar
Advertisement for temporary position of Project Associate/JRF in the DBT funded research project
Advertisement for Walk in interview for the temporary posts purely on contractual basis under Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)
Extension notice for Junior Research Fellow in DAE-BRNS adhoc research project entitled “Induced mutagenesis for cold tolerance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Notice for answerkey and seeking of representation (if any) for the omr based screening/written test for the post of Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner Animal Attendent,Security Guard
Walk in interview for Recruitment of District Resource Persons under PM-FME Scheme
Advertisement for the temporary position in DAE-BRNS adhoc research project entitled “Induced mutagenesis for cold tolerance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Advertisement for various Non Teaching Positions in Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs)
Dowload Admit card for the post of Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner Animal Attendent,Security Guard
List of candidates appearing in the Written/Screening Test for the post of Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Laboratory Attendant, Library Attendant, OCC, Mali, Gardner and equivalents in pursuance to advertisement notification no. 10(Secy.) of 2022 dated 20.07.2022
List of candidates appearing in the Written/Screening test for the post of Animal attendant in pursuance to Notification No. 09(Secy.) of 2022 dated 06.07.2022
List of candidates appearing in the Written/Screening test for the post of Security Guards in pursuance to Advertisement Notification no. 06(Secy.) of 2022 dated 07.06.2022
Revised List of eligible candidates for Paravet on temporary basis
Revised list of eligible candidates for Veterinarians on temporary basis
List of eligible candidates for Veterinarians on temporary basis
List of eligible candidates for Paravet on temporary basis
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for the temporary posts purely on contractual basis under ICSSR Project
Final Answer key of written examination for Veterinarian and Paravets.
Answer keys for the written test for Vetainarians & Paravets
Extension of date of submission of application form for filling of consolidated position of 01 SRF (Vegetable and Animal Science) under the project “AICRP on Integrated Farming System”
Admit card for written Examination for Hiring of Veterinarians and Paravets on temporary basis
Requirement of Guest Faculty at School of Biotechnology
Advertisement notice for the posts of Deputy Director Extension and Assoc. Professor/ Sr. Scientists & equivalentsvide notification no. 38(Secy.) of 2022 dated: 18-10-2022
Advertisement notice for the posts of Deputy Director Extension and Assoc. Professor/ Sr. Scientists & equivalentsvide notification no. 37(Secy.) of 2022 dated: 18-10-2022
Notice regarding Written Examination & Selection criteria for Hiring of Veterinarians and Paravets on temporary basis
Walk-in Interview for Recruitment of Senior Research Fellow under SERB-DST Funded Project
Advertisement Notice for consolidated position of 01 SRF (Vegetable Science) under the project “AICRP on Integrated Farming System”
Corrigendum to Notification No: 36 (Est.) of 2022 dated: 03.10.2022 regarding Hiring of Veterinarians and Paravets on temporary basis.
Notification regarding Hiring of Veterinarians and Paravets on temporary basis vide Notification No: 36 (Est.) of 2022 Dated: 03.10.2022
Advertisement notice for Skilled Staff( contractual) under project"All India Coordinated Research Project on Weed Management", SKUAST-Jammu
Advertisement notice for the contractual positions on acadmic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering
Advertisement for the temporary position under ICAR-NAHEP sanctioned project entitled “Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Delivering Competent Skilled Professionals” at SKUAST-Jammu
Regulations for Direct Recruitment of Teachers/Scientist of SKUASt-Jammu
Extension of date for submission of Application forms for Notification No. 05 of 2022 Date : 07-07-2022 regarding UDGAM : Agripreneurship Orientation Program and PRAGATI: Seed Stage Funding-Launch pad for Agro Start-ups
Walk-in Interview for Recruitment of District Resource Persons under PM-FME Scheme
Extension of Date to the applications invited for the Faculty of Dairy Technology issued vide no.: AUJ/FVSc/22-23/F-35/1414-1417 dated 04-08-2022
Walk-in-interview for Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under FFP Project
Requirement of Guest Faculty at School of Biotechnology
Advertisement for the temporary position of Junior Research Fellow under DBT, New Delhi funded ad-hoc project entitled “Exploration of Underutilized Amaranthus species for Sustainable Livelihood, Nutritional Security and Climate Resilience of Western Himalayan Region” at SKUAST-Jammu
Term and Conditions for post of Deputy Director (SAMETI-Jammu)
Advertisement notice for engagement of Deputy Directors purely on contract basis
Corrigendum to Advertisement notice for the posts of Deans and Directors vide Notification No. 15 (Secy.) of 2022Dated: 08-08-2022
Walk-in-Interview for recruitment of staff under ICSSR Project
Apply Online for the posts of Deans and Directors vide Notification No. 15 (Secy.) of 2022 Dated: 08-08-2022
Advertisement for the for the temporary positions (Research Fellow) in the School of Biotechnology
Advertisement for the temporary positions (contractual basis) of Assistant Professor (Nanotechnolog y)(Biostatistics/Bi omathematics) on academic arrangement in the School of Biotechnology, SKUAST-J for the Academic Session 2022-23:
Advertisement notice for the posts of Deans and Directors vide Notification No. 15 (Secy.) of 2022Dated: 08-08-2022
Term and Conditions for post of Deputy Director (SAMETI-Jammu)
Advertisement for the temporary position on academic arrangement basis in the Division of Statistics & Computer Science, Faculty of Basic Sciences
Advertisement notice for the temporary positions on acadmic arrangements basis in the Faculty of Dairy Technology
Notice inviting applications for the appointment of Vice Chancellor for Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University Agra
Advertisement for the temporary position of Young Professional-I under ICAR-NAHEP
Selection criteria and syllabus for Peon, Orderly, Chowkidar, Labortary Attendents, Library Attendent, OCC, Mali, Garderner & equiivalent-reg
Walk-In-Interview for the temporary position of Field Assistant under the adhoc research project entitled “Production and popularization of quality planting material of improved cultivars of pecan nut to enhance the nut crop status in Peer-Panjal range of Jammu division” funded by National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

View all..


Chiseling of human resource for employment and higher education requires a phenomenal change in the dispensation of current Career and Technical Education (CTE). This paradigm shift is due to curtailment in the decision making incubation as consequences of the availability of new world high-speed communications and information. Consequently, to pave way to success in the modern day competition only professional degrees or similar credentials are not sufficient and therefore additional qualifications of rapid decision making and efficient social skills are essential. The employability in new era gets boost with some skill beyond the narrow job tasks focused on in historical CTE programs. Therefore, in the present time, as well as in times to come, it is not training for specific job that is considered necessary by the industry or scientific field, but effective decision making, problem solving capacity or attitude, finding answer and depicting a variety of disciplines and cultural contexts to make sense out of change, challenges and daily based operations at workplace are additionally looked for.

To produce human resource with above explicated attribute by any institution warrants innovative and exemplary CTE program. Accordingly, reformation in the program is taking place through the infusion of career planning throughout the entire curriculum related to real world environment and preparing graduates for both work place and continued education.

The Career Counseling and Placement Cell (CC&PC) of the university is striving to value add the graduates beyond the professional knowledge and prepare them to face the competitive world with confidence and required mettle. Criticism (good or bad), suggestions, and information about any of the mandated jobs of the CC&PC by any stake holders like: teachers, administrators, students, parents of the students, professionals, or any member of the civil society for improvisation of functioning of the cell are ardently welcomed.

Let us join hands to serve the society and nation in the best possible way


Food Industries
Dairy Industry
Pharmaceutical Industries
Banking Sector