

1.     Malabari also known as Tellicherry or Cutch are native to Kerala. Malabari goats are reared for milk and meat and their skin is popular in the tanning industry.
2.     These goats are reared mainly for meat. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of Malabari goats was carried out by using the information collected from breeding tract of these goats.
3.     The animals are medium in size. They have no uniform colour and the coat varies from completely white to black.
4.     These goats are reared mainly for meat. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of Malabari goats was carried out by using the information collected from breeding tract of these goats.
5.     The horns are slightly twisted, directed upward and backward sometimes curved downward touching the skin.
6.     The muzzle is pinkish red. Eye lids are pinkish white. The nose is straight. The ears are directed outwards and downwards reaching up to the nose.
7.     The tips of the ear in some animals were curved and in some animals almost folded. The reason of folding of ear tip is not clear. The tail is small and thin.
8.     Udder is small and round with medium size teats.
9.     All males and a small number of females are bearded.
10.     They have a medium sized head with a flat and occasionally a Roman nose with medium sized ears directed outward and downward.
11.     Malabari goats are reared under a semi-intensive management system, with 4 to 6 hours of grazing supplemented with stall feeding in the evening.
12.     The breed is quite prolific and has a 50% twinning, 25% triplets and 5% quadruplets kidding percentage.