

1.      Ganjam goat is one of the Indian goat breeds mostly found in Ganjam district of odhisa and surrounding states like Andhra Pradesh. These goats are also found in some areas of Madhya Pradesh and Kerala.
2.      These goats are reared for meat purpose. As goat meat has excellent demand in all states of India, commercial goat farming proved to be very profitable. Selection of health Ganjam goat breed is essential to get more profits in short period of time.
3.      Body:  Tall and leggy animal with body of medium size.
4.      Body Coat:  Predominantly black but animal with white sports are also seen. The hairs are short and lustrous.
5.      Forehead:  Prominent
6.      Face:  Straight
7.      Horns:  Both the sexes are horned. Horns are long, flat, directed upward and backward sometimes straight.
8.      Wattles:  Some animals
9.      When it comes to ears, they are medium in size and kept straight or horizontal with pointed tips (drooping and pendulous).
10.      Ganjam goat head is short and compact. Both male and female Ganjam goats have horns.
11.      Beard is common in adult male goats.
12.      Ganjam goats have small udder with small teats.
13.      Average age at first kidding of Ganjam goat is 700-725 days and kidding interval is 420-450 days. Single kidding is more common in 80% cases and twinning is possible in 15 to 20% cases.
14.      Most Ganjam breed flocks are stationary and reared on extensive grazing/browsing.

Advantages of Ganjam Goat

1.      Ganjam goats are excellent meat breeds. Ganjam goats have high feed conversion (FCR) ratio. Ganjam goats can also be fed with jack leaves and coconut oil cakes to help in gaining the weight.
2.      For best growth milk production of Ganjam goats, Alfalfa hay, Subabul, Lucerne, CO 3, CO 4, Barseem, Stylo, Dashrath, Hybrid Napier, African Tall, Sorghum, Molato, Gini Grass, corn silage, pellets, legumes and various types of green grasses can be used for daily fodder requirement.
3.      Ganjam goats are suitable for open grazing. Ganjam goats can easily adapt to any kind of climatic conditions.
4.      Ganjam goats are helpful in reducing un-employment in rural areas along with providing healthy and tasty milk.

