

1.  Goat meat is a great source of consumable meat which is very tasty, nutritious and healthy. And goat’s wool is being used in many purposes and skin of goat plays a vital role in leather industry.

2.  There are many advantages of goat farming business. You can also raise goats along with your other livestock animals. As goats are small sized animal, so they are easily maintained. Even they are easily maintained and cared by women and children.

3.  Three-quarters of the global population eat goat meat. It comprises 5% of worldwide meat consumption and 8% of red meat.

4.  Goat meat contains low amounts of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. It is considered to be a healthier alternative to other types of red meat.

5.  The taste of goat kid meat has been reported as similar to that of spring lamb meat.

6.  In some localities (e.g. the Caribbean, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India) the word “mutton” is used to describe both goat and lamb meat. However, some compare the taste of goat meat to veal or venison, depending on the age and condition of the goat.