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Proper selection is the first and the most important step to be adopted in dairying. Records are the basis of selection and hence proper identification of animals and record keeping is essential.
Cross-breed animals with exotic inheritance of about 50 percent are preferable.
Bringing animals from different agro-climatic conditions causes problems due to non-adjustment in many cases. In case, purchase becomes absolutely essential it should be from similar environmental conditions as far as possible.
General selection procedures for dairy breeds:
Selecting a calf in calf show, a cow in cattle show by judging is an art.
A dairy farmer should build up his own herd by breeding his own herd. Following guidelines will be useful for selection of a dairy cow.
- Whenever an animal is purchased from cattle fair, it should be selected
based upon its breed characters and milk producing ability.
- History sheet or pedigree sheet which is generally maintained in organized
farms reveals the complete history of animal.
- The maximum yields by dairy cows are noticed during the first five lactations. So
generally selection should be carried out during First or Second lactation and that too are month after calving.
- Three successive complete milking has to be done and an average of it
will give a fair idea regarding production by a particular animal.
- A cow should allow anybody to milk, and should be docile.
- It is better to purchase the animals during the months of October and November.
- Maximum yield is noticed till 90 days after calving.
Breed characteristics of high yielding dairy cows :
- Attractive individuality with feminity, vigor, harmonious blending of all parts, impressive style and carriage.
- Animal should have wedge shaped appearance of the body.
- It should have bright eyes with lean neck.
- The udder should be well attached to the abdomen.
- The skin of the udder should have a good network of blood vessels.
- All four quarters of the udder should be well demarcated with well placed teats.
Selecting breeds for Commercial Dairy Farm – Suggestions:
- Under Indian condition a commercial dairy farm should consist of minimum 20 animals (10 cows, 10 buffaloes) this strength can easily go up to 100 animals in proportion of 50:50 or 40:60. After this however, you need to review your strength and market potential before you chose to go for expansion.
- Middle class health-conscious Indian families prefer low fat milk for consumption as liquid milk. It is always better to go for a commercial farm of mixed type. (Cross breed, cows and buffaloes kept in separate rows under one shed).
- Conduct a thorough study of the immediate market where you are planning to market your milk You can mix milk from both type of animals and sold as per need of the market. Hotels and some general customers (can be around 30%) prefer pure buffalo milk. Hospitals, sanitariums prefer cow's milk.
Selection of cow breeds for commercial farm:
- Good quality cows are available in the market and it cost around Rs.2500 to Rs.3000 per liter of milk production per day. (E.g. Cost of a cow producing 10 liter of Milk per day will be between Rs.25000 to Rs.30, 000).
- If proper care is given, cows breed regularly giving one calf every 13-14 month interval.
- They are more docile and can be handled easily. Good milk yielding cross breeds (Holstein and Jersey crosses) has well adapted to Indian climate.
- The fat percentage of cow's milk varies from 3-5.5% and is lower than Buffaloes.
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Developed by :
Jaspal Singh
(Ex. M.V.Sc Scholar ) |
Dr. Pranav Kumar
(Assistant Professor)
Amandeep Singh
(Final Year B.V.Sc & AH student) |
Division of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, R.S. Pura, SKUAST Jammu |