Sunandni Cow & Calf India |
Karan Swiss heifer India |
Brown Swiss crosses are produced by upgrading the local cattle with Brown Swiss semen. Brown Swiss being a heavier breed is suitable for grading up of the non-descript cattle of our country. The breed stands in second place next to HF in milk production and this capacity of the breed is harnessed to full extent by cross breeding of the native cattle. The crosses so produced shows better survivability with sharp rise in milk production.
General Information:
- Species: Cattle
- Habitat: Temperate countries but the crosses have been well adapted to tropical countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and other countries of Indian Subcontinent.
- Breeding tract: : In India, the Central Government had come out with different policies time to time to upgrade the local cattle for increased milk production. So every state through its Animal Husbandry Departments, upgrade local cattle by using Jersey semen.
- Main utility: Milk for food.
- Origin: Different states of India.
- Distribution: Almost entire country.
Phenotypic traits:
- Colour: Usually grayish brown color with individual breed variability.
- Number of Horns : 2.
- Visible characteristics: Grayish brown to dull black color, large udder, wedge shape conformation from rear view, highly developed milk vein.
Different Jersey Crosses are as:
1. Sunandini:
a. Cross of Brown Swiss with non-descript cattle of Munar, Kerala.
b. Under an Indo-Swiss Project in Kerala which started in 1963, local non-descript cows were crossed with Brown-Swiss bulls.
c. The crosses with 50 per cent, 75 per cent and 62.5 per cent Brown-Swiss inheritance were produced.
d. The crossbreeds with 62.5 per cent Brown-Swiss inheritance were mated, followed by selection to synthesise a new breed named `Sunandini'.
e. Sunandini animals under field conditions give a lactation yield of 1351 kg in 305 days. f. Sunandini bulls are being progeny tested for milk using performance recording under field conditions. A total 323 Sunandini bulls have been evaluated and 42 bulls declared proven.
2. Karan Swiss:
a. Karan Swiss evolved from crossing American Brown Swiss bulls with Sahiwal and Red Sindhi cows at the National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, India.
b. Brown-Swiss inheritance is around 50 per cent.
c. The color of the breed is red dun.
d. It resembles Sahiwal in its body size and general appearance, and the dewlap is pendulous as in the case of Sahiwal.
e. The hump is almost non-existent, the barrel is long and deep, the naval flap is from tight to slightly loose.
f. Eyes are full, ears small, oblong and hairy from the inside.
g. The neck is of medium size.
h. The legs are proportionate in size and well set apart.
i. The udder is of good size, wide, deep and long. The udder is mostly bowl shaped; teats are cylindrical pointed or round and are of medium size. The milk veins are well developed and tortuous.
j. The males have powerful shoulders.
k. The average age at first calving was 32 months.
l. The first lactation yield was 2564.7 kg with 4.2 to 4.4 per cent fat.
m. The total milk yield based on pooled lactations was 3257.3 kg with an overall calving interval of 395.5 days.
3. Brown Swiss cross with Tharparkar:
a. Age at first calving: 30.5 months
b. First lactation milk yield: 2755 kg
c. Calving interval: 409 days
d. Calf Mortality: 7.7%
4. Brown Swiss and Hariana:
a. Done at Haringhata Cattle Breeding Farm, Kolkata, West Bengal.
b. ½ Brown Swiss and ½ Hariana.
c. Age at first calving: 36 months
d. First lactation milk yield: 1717 kg
e. Calving interval: 449 days
f. Lactation length: 300 days
- Management System: Intensive
- Mobility: Stationary
- Feeding of adults: Fodder and Concentrate
- Housing: Well developed housing for organized herds.
- Feeding system: Stall feeding.
- Feeds to be fed: Berseem, oats and mustard are the green fodder in rabi; and sorghum, pearl millet and cluster bean in kharif. Commercial feed can be fed anytime of the year. . Milking cows are provided supplementry feeding in the form of cotton seed, barley and oil cake. Feed is given in soaked form at the time of milking. Calves are reared on whole milk up to 1 month of age after which some green fodder is also fed. Calves are allowed to suck 1-2 teats up to 6 months of age
- Feeding of concentrates: 1kg/2kg milk at the time of milking.
- Feeding of roughages: 1/10th of body weight per day.
- Milking: Should be done 2-3 times a day.
- Milking practice: Full hand milking should be done. Avoid knuckling.
- Milk let down time: 4-5 minutes.
Benefits of cross breeding:
1. More milk production.
2. Efficient feed conversion ratio (FCR).
3. Economical dairy.
4. Better reproductive traits.
5. Continuity in production.
Major problems associated with health of Brown Swiss Cross:
- Mastitis: Being very high yielding cattle, the risk of mastitis is always present.
- Calcium Deficiency: The cattle should be supplied with Calcium and Phosphorous supplements to maintain the health of animal.
- Genital Diseases: The risk of genital diseases like pyometra, metritis, is always present and should be taken care of.
- Milk Fever due to deficiency of Calcium.
- Parasitic infestations.
Price range:
Rs. 1,40,000/- (tentative)
Can be purchased from:
1. Gupta Dairy Farm:
Address: Plot No. 41-42, Govind Colony, Near water tank, Doon Valley College Road, Jundla Gate, Karnal-132001, Haryana.
Phone no. 09416031427.
2. Khurana Dairy Farm, Rohtak, Haryana.
Mobile Number : +91-9215450001 / 9215430001 / 9215450003
3. Model Dairy Farm: Mr. Prateek Vaish (VP-Operations).
Address: Naramau, GT Road, near ALIMCO, Kanpur-209217, UP.
4. Karnal Livestock Sales.
Contact Details: Dabas House, 17-E, Session Road, Karnal - 132001, Haryana, India,
Mr. Anand Parkash Dabas (Proprietor).
5. Anand Cows Sales and Dealership.
Contact Details: K. amanyam Raju, S/O K. Narayana Raju,
Kothaindlu, Punganur(P&T), Chittoor - 517247, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Mobile : +918497009383.
6. Sachdeva Dairy Farm: Mr. Anil Sachdeva,
940/31, Buffalo Market,Behind Durga Bhavan Mandir,, Rohtak, Haryana, India – 124001.
Mobile : +91-9896146700
Webpage: http://www.exportersindia.com/sachdevadairyfarm/
External Links:
1. http://www.nbagr.res.in/