Brown Swiss Bull |
Brown Swiss Cattle |
Brown Swiss is a breed of dairy cattle that produces the second largest quantity of milk per annum, over 9,000 kg (20,000 lb). The milk contains on average 4% butterfat and 3.5% protein, making their milk excellent for production of cheese. The Brown Swiss is known for a long gestation period, immense size, large furry ears, and an extremely docile temperament. Regardless, the Brown Swiss is quite a resilient breed of cattle; they are hardy and capable of subsisting with little care or feed.
General Information:
- Species: Cattle
- Synonyms: BS.
- Habitat: Switzerland, South Europe, US, UK, Canada.
- Breeding tract: However, the breed is bred only in temperate zones but in India breeding is largely confined to organized herds only whereby standard management and housing conditions are required for dwelling of the cattle. Areas of Punjab, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi have some private farms dealing with breeding of Brown Swiss.
- Main utility: Milk for food
- Origin: The Brown Swiss originated on the slopes of the
Alps in Switzerland; because they were bred in this harsh climate, they are resistant to the heat, cold and many other common cattle problems.
- Distribution: Europe, North America, Southern Parts of Africa, South Asia.
Phenotypic traits:
- Colour: Black, Grey, Dark brown, Tan or White.
- Number of Horns : 2 (mostly polled cattle is found)
- Visible characteristics: They are often noted for their big floppy ears and docile temperament.
5. |
Height (Avg. cm)
142 |
137 |
6. |
Body length (Avg. cm) |
155 |
145 |
7. |
Heart Girth (Avg. cm)
196 |
188 |
8. |
Weight (Avg. Kg) |
780 |
650 |
9. |
Birth Weight (Avg. Kg) |
40 |
39 |
10. |
Length (Avg. cm) |
157 |
147 |
Physical Characteristics:
- Body Color: The color of the body varies from grayish black to brown to white. There is great variability in the color of different progenies.
- Body Size : The body is angular and comparitively larger than the Jersey.
- Head : Jersey cows are very feminine looking animals, with a finer, more feminine head.
- Horns : Horns are present but now polled breeds are formed as a result of genetic selection.
- Temperament : Docile and is a distinctive dairy animal.
- Face : Moderate sized face with large distinctive ears and poll.
- Ears: Ears are of large size.
- Dewlap : slight.
- Udder: Capacious & Pendulous, Massive in size with prominent milk vein.
- Hump : Absent.
- Withers: Round
Light points in identification:
Some light points are present above the eyebrows in V-shape fashion on the face which are very much helpful in identification of the cattle. These light colored areas are also present on legs.
Brown Swiss Versus Jersey:
1. Coat color of Brown Swiss is Not Fawn.
2. Brown Swiss is larger than Jersey.
- Management System: Intensive
- Mobility: Stationary
- Feeding of adults: Fodder and Concentrate
- Housing: Well developed housing for organized herds
- Feeding system: Stall feeding, grazing.
- Feeds to be fed: Berseem, oats and mustard are the green fodder in rabi; and sorghum, pearl millet and cluster bean in kharif. Commercial feed can be fed anytime of the year. . Milking cows are provided supplementry feeding in the form of cotton seed, barley and oil cake. Feed is given in soaked form at the time of milking. Calves are reared on whole milk up to 1 month of age after which some green fodder is also fed. Calves are allowed to suck 1-2 teats up to 6 months of age. The adult cattle is also fed silage for better milk production.
- Feeding of concentrates: 1kg/2kg milk at the time of milking.
- Feeding of roughages: 1/10th of body weight per day.
- Milking: Should be done 2-3 times a day, however thrice a day milking gives higher milk yield.
- Milking practice: Full hand milking should be done. Avoid knuckling. Machine milking is generally practiced.
- Milk let down time: 4-5 minutes.
Performance traits:
Average |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Age at first calving (Avg. months) |
32 |
28 |
35 |
Calving interval (months) |
14 |
13 |
15 |
Lactation length (days)
305 (standardized) |
- |
- |
Milk yield per lactation (kg) |
5800 |
4700 |
7800 |
Milk fat (%) |
4.10 |
3.87 |
4.76 |
Daily lactation in peak period (kg) |
19.01 |
15.54 |
25.57 |
Dry period (days)
65 |
55 |
75 |
- Peculiarity of the breed:
Very hardy breed and can be raised without much attention to feeding.
- Research highlights:
Excellent results have been seen in upgrading the local cattle in tropics with Brown Swiss blood. The cattle seem to be an excellent option for cross breeding too with other cattle like HF, Jersey. The milk production of the non-descript increase significantly when crossed with Brown Swiss.
Major problems associated with health of Jersey Cattle:
- Mastitis: Being very high yielding cattle, the risk of mastitis is always present.
- Calcium Deficiency: The cattle should be supplied with Calcium and Phosphorous supplements to maintain the health of animal.
- Genital Diseases: The risk of genital diseases like pyometra, metritis, is always present and should be taken care of.
- They have a greater tendency towards post-parturient hypocalcaemia (or "milk fever") in dams.
Price range:
Rs. 80,000/- to Rs. 2,50,000/- (tentative)
Can be purchased from:
1. Khurana Dairy Farm, Rohtak, Haryana.
Mobile Number : +91-9215450001 / 9215430001 / 9215450003
2. Model Dairy Farm: Mr. Prateek Vaish (VP-Operations).
Address: Naramau, GT Road, near ALIMCO, Kanpur-209217, UP.
3. Karnal Livestock Sales.
Contact Details: Dabas House, 17-E, Session Road, Karnal - 132001, Haryana, India,
Mr. Anand Parkash Dabas (Proprietor).
4. Anand Cows Sales and Dealership.
Contact Details: K. amanyam Raju, S/O K. Narayana Raju,
Kothaindlu, Punganur(P&T), Chittoor - 517247, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Mobile : +918497009383.
5. Sachdeva Dairy Farm: Mr. Anil Sachdeva,
940/31, Buffalo Market,Behind Durga Bhavan Mandir,, Rohtak, Haryana, India – 124001.
Mobile : +91-9896146700
Webpage: http://www.exportersindia.com/sachdevadairyfarm/
External Links:
1. http://www.nbagr.res.in/