  • Brooding is the management of chicks from one day old to about 8 weeks of age, and it involves the provision of heat and other necessary care during chicks’ early growing period.
  • Brooding units are designed to house chicks from one day old until they no longer need supplementary heat (0-8 weeks).
  • Growing pens are used from the end of the brooding period until the broilers are sold.
General systems of brooding:
  1. Natural brooding.
  2. Artificial brooding
Types of Brooders:
1. Basket brooder

2. Oil barrel - charcoal.
3. Gas Brooder .
4. Kerosene brooder.

5. Storm lantern brooder .

6. Electrical Brooder .

7. Infra-red Brooder.

8. Reflectors/Hover type brooders.

Developed by :
Dr.Rahulpreet Singh
( M.V.Sc Scholar )
 Dr. Pranav Kumar
(Assistant Professor)
Dr. Amandeep Singh
(M.V.Sc Scholar, IVRI )
Division of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, R.S. Pura, SKUAST Jammu